Question / Help Work with diferents projects


New Member
Hi! Im new with OBS. Im working now with a talk show via streaming and everything works fine...

But now I will start to work with another diferent talk show via streaming and I dont know how can I save this project to start a new one...
I need work with this two projects (for the two talk shows) with diferent scenes and diferent content in each scene... But when I create a new profile this new profile only change the resolution of the screen but maintain all the contents in scenes. So when I do a change affects too the other profile with the other talk show...

How can I separate those profiles so I can work with two projects completately diferents?

Sorry for the bad english its not my native language. I hope it can understand
You are on the right path. Profiles are for the stream settings like the streaming/recording stuff. What you now want is a new Scene Collection, the menu for that is right next to the profiles menu.