Windows OBS Session crashed during livestream without a leaving a trace


I am running 25.0.8 on a fully updated windows 10 HP zBook notebook (32 g ram, i7, all SSD storage, 1 USB 3 capture card, 1 USB audio input, 1 built in webcam). I am also using Window Capture with Firefox and UpDECK. I was using a wired connection that was 7Mbps down and 9 Mbps up.

My session crashed right in a FB livestream and I don't know why.

I arrived on site and freshly booted the notebook around 4PM. Everything was attached and working and OBS started up fine (with admin rights.) I initially had network, but no internet connection but that came up a bit later after the site ran a cable to my portable router (I run everything wired on my own router when on site.) I took the stream live to FB around 5:34 and the show started at 6PM.

In the stats panel everything looked great. Stream was green. At that time I had no idea that I had a problem. I did several scene switches and at 6:06 OBS disappeared. (It didn't freeze and turn gray; it just disappeared.)

I restarted OBS and luckily it was able to reconnect to the existing stream and the show continued without losing the stream.

After the fact I looked for the log and crash files. I have the log file, but no crash file was generated (I guess because of how it crashed.)

As I looked back through the log file I saw a lot of this:

18:06:12.333: error:   overread 8
18:06:12.356: error:   overread 8
18:06:12.452: error:   overread 8
18:06:12.494: error:   overread 8
18:06:12.619: warning: mjpeg_decode_dc: bad vlc: 0:0 (00000218CCA3F1C8)
18:06:12.619: error:   error dc
18:06:12.619: error:   error y=1 x=1
18:06:12.886: error:   overread 8
18:06:12.919: error:   overread 8

The complete log file is attached

This type of error was throughout the log file from right after the session started until it crash. Many of the overread errors were 6 or 7 not 8. These same errors are also throughout the log file for the restarted session as well, but it did not crash.

So far, I have no idea what what caused the crash or what these errors mean.

Any help would be appreciated.


  • 2020-08-05 16-02-57.txt
    136.6 KB · Views: 10
  • 2020-08-05 18-06-50.txt
    145.4 KB · Views: 7


So, here is a bit more information and a work around. These crashes continue to occur. They leave no crash file and the log just stops. It appears that the crashes happen when I am choosing interact with a BROWSER SOURCE. I have a scene with several browser sources in and each source opens a large PNG file (think 1280x7000 pixels.) I never have more than one of them active at a time but across a show, each will be active for a few minutes. After I have interacted with the browser a few times the OBS session just ends (if this were linux I'd be thinking someone had done a SIGKILL on it.) Luckily it crashing doesn't kill my FB stream and I am able to restart the session and start streaming and everything still works. I have now eliminated all use of the OBS browser source and have switched to a window capture on an external browser to provide this functionality. So far it is not crashing.