Windows group capture


New Member
I'm quite unsure if what I will present here as an idea is already implemented or not.
if neither planned or implemented, i'll maybe try to implement it as a plugin.

The main idea is to be able to capture windows as a group, to allow streaming multiwindows workflows (like a multi account game session) without having to show the rest of the screen nor having to manually switch between displayed windows.
I thought about the following workflow :
(during config)
-> select several windows, manually, or, even better, with a name regexp or program name.
-> configure the source as any other video source
(during stream)
-> the window displayed is the window of the group which is top-level, or the last window of the group which was top-level if none of the group is currently top-level.
-> [optional] if a new window pops during the stream, and it matches group requirements, it is added to the group and so displayed following the rule right above.
