Bug Report Windows 7, Quicksync/Mediafoundation unable to start


Active Member
I... can't record with Quicksync lol.
[Media Foundation encoder]: plugin is disabled for performance
reasons on Windows versions less than 8

this was in your log.

MFE is what OBS uses right now for VCE NVENC and QSV, sry, upgrade.

Gol D. Ace

This refers to the AAC Encoder not Video AFAIK @dping

You can see in his log that he tried using MF for video but it failed for whatever reason:

11:37:56.292: [Media Foundation encoder]: SetCodecProperty(codecApi, CODECAPI_AVEncH264CABACEnable, entropyEncoding == H264EntropyEncodingCABAC) failed,  The parameter is incorrect. (0x80070057)
11:37:56.292: [Media Foundation encoder]: SetCodecProperty(codecApi, CODECAPI_AVEncVideoEncodeFrameTypeQP, UINT64(qp.Pack(false))) failed,  The parameter is incorrect. (0x80070057)
11:37:56.292: [Media Foundation encoder]: Activating encoder: Quicksync
11:37:56.292: [Media Foundation encoder]:   Setting output type to transform:
11:37:56.292: [Media Foundation encoder]:     MF_MT_MAJOR_TYPE: MFMediaType_Video
11:37:56.292: [Media Foundation encoder]:     MF_MT_SUBTYPE: MFVideoFormat_H264
11:37:56.293: [Media Foundation encoder]:     MF_MT_FRAME_SIZE: 1920 x 1080
11:37:56.293: [Media Foundation encoder]:     MF_MT_FRAME_RATE: 60 x 1
11:37:56.293: [Media Foundation encoder]:     MF_MT_AVG_BITRATE: 2500000
11:37:56.293: [Media Foundation encoder]:     MF_MT_INTERLACE_MODE: 2
11:37:56.293: [Media Foundation encoder]:     MF_MT_PIXEL_ASPECT_RATIO: 1 x 1
11:37:56.293: [Media Foundation encoder]:     MF_MT_MPEG2_LEVEL: 4294967295
11:37:56.293: [Media Foundation encoder]:     MF_MT_MPEG2_PROFILE: 77
11:37:56.307: [Media Foundation encoder]: transform->SetOutputType(0, outputType.Get(), 0) failed,  Unspecified error (0x80004005)


Active Member

Just another bump. Still unable to get QuickSync to work on Win7.
I'm not 100% on this, but have you tried starting OBSMP as admin? the 0x80004005 you are getting with Set output type is a very generic error usually meaning that the app itself is not giving the error but another program. This could be qsvhelper or even older intel drivers. That being said, windows 7 drivers for quicksync have been notoriously bad, but they usually experience a crash more-so than it just not working.


New Member
Sorry for bumbing this but this issue is still... A thing...
[Media Foundation encoder]: plugin is disabled for performance reasons on Windows versions less than 8


Edit: Why is this important to me? Windows 7 is still the most legit OS released by Microsoft. I dislike Windows 8 and dread the thought of using Windows 10 (Had a very bad transfer experience on my laptop... Ended up destroying my Wifi Adapter...)

But there is a bit more to this! OBS Studio offers support for a base resolution of 2560x1440 and a downscaled output of 1920x1080. I have triple 2k Monitors... Would prefer to continue playing at a 2k res that my double Zotac 980ti GTX cards can support.


Active Member
0.14 is going to have a native quicksync implementation i believe. No more relying on the shitty media foundation encoders.