Question / Help Windows 10 + OBSMP = Stream Breaking Glitch


Hey guys, i've recently upgraded to Windows 10 and OBS multiplatform right now is not usable, because of a stream-breaking gltich. Not certain if its Windows' fault, AMD's drivers, or OBS MP thats the cause. If I had to wager, its probably AMD's drivers. Heres a video of it happening: OF NOTE: I know the stream stops encoding because my viewers would spam chat saying "OFFLINE" and i could only see it upon alttabing.
Also in the video it did't lag out my game like it would usually, because I let it stay frozen for a time while setting up my camera, it only lags (goes up to 7k bitrate ish) when you alt-tab after like 5 seconds or so of it being frozen. <--- log file.


Active Member
Try with the window capture source removed. For follower notifications use the browser source plugin.


Try with the window capture source removed. For follower notifications use the browser source plugin.

Well the follower notification i coded cant work with browser source, i'll give the removing window capture a try.

EDIT: Worked like a charm, guess I will have to re-do my notifier to use web rendering...
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