Bug Report Window Resize crash


New Member
I've been having an issue where anytime I try to resize the obs main window anything more than a few pixels it will crash to desktop. Note that I am on xubuntu 14.04

07:47:41 AM.659: Processor: 8 logical cores
07:47:41 AM.659: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5420  @ 2.50GHz
07:47:41 AM.659: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5420  @ 2.50GHz
07:47:41 AM.659: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5420  @ 2.50GHz
07:47:41 AM.660: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5420  @ 2.50GHz
07:47:41 AM.660: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5420  @ 2.50GHz
07:47:41 AM.660: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5420  @ 2.50GHz
07:47:41 AM.660: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5420  @ 2.50GHz
07:47:41 AM.660: Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5420  @ 2.50GHz
07:47:41 AM.660: Physical Memory: 7984MB Total
07:47:41 AM.660: Kernel Version: Linux 3.13.0-24-generic
07:47:41 AM.660: Distribution: "Ubuntu" "14.04"
07:47:41 AM.669: OBS 0.12.0 (linux)
07:47:41 AM.669: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.670: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.670: audio settings reset:
07:47:41 AM.670:     samples per sec: 44100
07:47:41 AM.670:     speakers:        2
07:47:41 AM.670:     buffering (ms):  1000
07:47:41 AM.777: OpenGL version: 3.2.0 NVIDIA 346.96
07:47:41 AM.777:
07:47:41 AM.789: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.790: video settings reset:
07:47:41 AM.790:     base resolution:   1280x720
07:47:41 AM.790:     output resolution: 1280x720
07:47:41 AM.790:     fps:               30/1
07:47:41 AM.790:     format:            NV12
07:47:41 AM.791: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.791: Loading module: image-source.so
07:47:41 AM.792: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.792: Loading module: linux-capture.so
07:47:41 AM.793: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.794: Loading module: linux-decklink.so
07:47:41 AM.828: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.829: Loading module: linux-jack.so
07:47:41 AM.829: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.830: Loading module: linux-pulseaudio.so
07:47:41 AM.830: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.831: Loading module: linux-v4l2.so
07:47:41 AM.832: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.833: Loading module: obs-ffmpeg.so
07:47:41 AM.833: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.834: Loading module: obs-filters.so
07:47:41 AM.834: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.835: Loading module: obs-libfdk.so
07:47:41 AM.835: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.835: Loading module: obs-outputs.so
07:47:41 AM.836: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.836: Loading module: obs-x264.so
07:47:41 AM.836: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.837: Loading module: rtmp-services.so
07:47:41 AM.838: ---------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.838: Loading module: text-freetype2.so
07:47:41 AM.838: =====================================================================
07:47:41 AM.839: output 'adv_stream' (rtmp_output) created
07:47:41 AM.839: output 'adv_ffmpeg_output' (ffmpeg_output) created
07:47:41 AM.839: encoder 'streaming_h264' (obs_x264) created
07:47:41 AM.839: AAC encoder bitrate mapping:
07:47:41 AM.839:      32 kbit/s: 'libfdk AAC Encoder' (libfdk_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839:      64 kbit/s: 'libfdk AAC Encoder' (libfdk_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839:      96 kbit/s: 'libfdk AAC Encoder' (libfdk_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839:     128 kbit/s: 'libfdk AAC Encoder' (libfdk_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839:     160 kbit/s: 'libfdk AAC Encoder' (libfdk_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839:     192 kbit/s: 'libfdk AAC Encoder' (libfdk_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839:     224 kbit/s: 'libfdk AAC Encoder' (libfdk_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839:     256 kbit/s: 'libfdk AAC Encoder' (libfdk_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839:     288 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg Default AAC Encoder' (ffmpeg_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839:     320 kbit/s: 'FFmpeg Default AAC Encoder' (ffmpeg_aac)
07:47:41 AM.839: encoder 'adv_aac0' (libfdk_aac) created
07:47:41 AM.839: encoder 'adv_aac1' (libfdk_aac) created
07:47:41 AM.839: encoder 'adv_aac2' (libfdk_aac) created
07:47:41 AM.840: encoder 'adv_aac3' (libfdk_aac) created
07:47:41 AM.840: service 'default_service' (rtmp_common) created
07:47:41 AM.843: All scene data cleared
07:47:41 AM.843: ------------------------------------------------
07:47:41 AM.848: pulse-input: Server name: 'pulseaudio 4.0'
07:47:41 AM.848: pulse-input: Audio format: s16le, 44100 Hz, 2 channels
07:47:41 AM.849: pulse-input: Started recording from 'alsa_output.usb-Burr-Brown_from_TI_USB_Audio_CODEC-00-CODEC.analog-stereo.monitor'
07:47:41 AM.849: source 'Desktop Audio' (pulse_output_capture) created
07:47:41 AM.853: pulse-input: Server name: 'pulseaudio 4.0'
07:47:41 AM.857: pulse-input: Audio format: s16le, 44100 Hz, 2 channels
07:47:41 AM.857: pulse-input: Started recording from 'alsa_input.usb-Burr-Brown_from_TI_USB_Audio_CODEC-00-CODEC.analog-stereo'
07:47:41 AM.857: source 'Mic/Aux' (pulse_input_capture) created
07:47:41 AM.857: source 'Gain' (gain_filter) created
07:47:41 AM.857: source 'Main w/ slide' (scene) created
07:47:41 AM.858: source 'Blackmagic Device' (decklink-input) created
07:47:41 AM.862: source 'Color Correction' (color_filter) created
07:47:41 AM.862: source 'Waiting' (scene) created
07:47:41 AM.863: source 'Scroll' (scroll_filter) created
07:47:41 AM.865: xcompcap: XCompositeRedirectWindow failed: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
07:47:41 AM.865: source 'Window Capture (Xcomposite)' (xcomposite_input) created
07:47:41 AM.890: Blackmagic Device: Starting capture...
07:47:42 AM.051: source 'site image' (image_source) created
07:47:42 AM.052: source 'Main w/o slide' (scene) created
07:47:42 AM.052: source 'slide' (scene) created
07:47:42 AM.052: source 'overlays' (scene) created
07:47:42 AM.116: source 'Image 1' (image_source) created
07:47:42 AM.126: source 'Color Key' (color_key_filter) created
07:47:42 AM.126: source 'bulletin only' (scene) created
07:47:42 AM.376: source 'bulletin' (image_source) created
07:47:42 AM.577: source 'bulletin backdrop' (image_source) created
07:47:42 AM.584: source 'Color Correction' (color_filter) created
07:47:42 AM.728: source 'white background' (image_source) created
07:47:42 AM.734: source 'back' (image_source) created
07:47:42 AM.740: xcompcap: XCompositeRedirectWindow failed: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
07:47:42 AM.741: source 'vnc' (xcomposite_input) created
07:47:42 AM.741: source 'video' (scene) created
07:47:42 AM.745: [Media Source 'Media Source']: invalid audio_buffer_size 1
07:47:42 AM.745: [Media Source 'Media Source']: invalid audio_buffer_size 1
07:47:42 AM.745: [Media Source 'Media Source']: settings:
07:47:42 AM.745:     input:                   /home/media-team/Downloads/samaritan purse.mp4
07:47:42 AM.745:     input_format:            (null)
07:47:42 AM.745:     is_looping:              no
07:47:42 AM.745:     is_forcing_scale:        no
07:47:42 AM.745:     is_hw_decoding:          yes
07:47:42 AM.745:     is_clear_on_media_end:   yes
07:47:42 AM.745: [Media Source 'Media Source']: advanced settings:
07:47:42 AM.745:     audio_buffer_size:       1
07:47:42 AM.745:     video_buffer_size:       1
07:47:42 AM.745:     frame_drop:              AVDISCARD_NONE
07:47:42 AM.745: source 'Media Source' (ffmpeg_source) created
07:47:42 AM.746: source 'doxology' (scene) created
07:47:42 AM.772: source 'doxology-image' (image_source) created
07:47:42 AM.839: == Profiler Results =============================
07:47:42 AM.839: run_program_init: 1311.83 ms
07:47:42 AM.839:  ┣OBSApp::AppInit: 1.796 ms
07:47:42 AM.839:  ┃ ┗OBSApp::InitLocale: 1.097 ms
07:47:42 AM.839:  ┗OBSApp::OBSInit: 1196.55 ms
07:47:42 AM.839:    ┣obs_startup: 1.955 ms
07:47:42 AM.839:    ┗OBSBasic::OBSInit: 1169.41 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣OBSBasic::InitBasicConfig: 0.575 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣OBSBasic::ResetAudio: 0.209 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣OBSBasic::ResetVideo: 119.91 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣OBSBasic::InitOBSCallbacks: 0.013 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣OBSBasic::InitHotkeys: 0.121 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣obs_load_all_modules: 48.11 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(image-source.so): 0.006 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(linux-capture.so): 0.82 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(linux-decklink.so): 33.955 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(linux-jack.so): 0.006 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(linux-pulseaudio.so): 0.005 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(linux-v4l2.so): 0.005 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-ffmpeg.so): 0.022 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-filters.so): 0.013 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-libfdk.so): 0.002 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-outputs.so): 0.003 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(obs-x264.so): 0.002 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┣obs_init_module(rtmp-services.so): 0.167 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┃ ┗obs_init_module(text-freetype2.so): 0.028 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣OBSBasic::ResetOutputs: 1.029 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣OBSBasic::CreateHotkeys: 0.05 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣OBSBasic::InitService: 0.129 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┣OBSBasic::InitPrimitives: 0.281 ms
07:47:42 AM.840:      ┗OBSBasic::Load: 939.038 ms
07:47:42 AM.840: =================================================
07:47:43 AM.001: Update check: last known remote version is 0.4.0
07:47:46 AM.624: X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
07:47:46 AM.692: X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)
07:47:46 AM.758: X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter)


  • 2015-10-25 07-47-41.txt
    9.2 KB · Views: 18


New Member
Well I removed the installation and reinstalled and the problem seems to have gone away. Curious what could have been causing the problem


Looks like I spoke too soon; problem still exists
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