Bug Report Window Capture (Xcomposite) double capture blank


New Member
I've got the latest obs-studio 21.1.0 on Fedora 27 KDE Plasma with the nvidia driver. Things seems to work great for the most part except when I try to use the window capture plugin on a Firefox window more than once. That is to say, I can capture the window and get the portion of the page I configure for it. But when I add another window capture of the same window (I want to capture a different portion of the window... it's a ALttP Randomizer tracker website) I only get a blank screen. If I add a window capture for other programs, they work fine as well. It seems only when doubling up on the same window.

Looking at the log... when I add the second window capture for the same window I start getting these errors:

error: glCopyImageSubData failed, glGetError returned 0x502
error: device_copy_texture (GL) failed

My system has these specs:
CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz
Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
Physical Memory: 32120MB Total, 21427MB Free
Kernel Version: Linux 4.15.12-301.fc27.x86_64
Distribution: Fedora 27
OBS 21.1.0 (linux)

I've done double captures (quadruple actually) before on Fedora... but this machine is a clean install with all updated software... so wondering if something changed that might cause this. Thanks for any pointers!


Double capture the same source is Just wrong. Thats why when you add a source type it shows an option to you add an existing source.
So. To make things clear. Lets call all children of a Scene as SceneItem. SceneItem are listed under the "Sources" in the OBS UI. Multiple SceneItems can have the same source thus what you want to achieve without breaking obs.

You can add multiple new "Sources" (read SceneItems) from the same source by selecting "Add existing" and hit the same firefox window. Then, select the specific sceneItem you want transform/crop by hitting CTRL + E or holding alt while you crop.

Note that filters are applied per source. Not scene item. So if you want to go down that path we can talk latter to not confuse you right now.

Hope it fix that for you!


New Member
Thanks @shaolin that works. What I had to do was remove my "source" crops and then place them in the item configs. This was were I was getting confused (I had tried the "Add Existing" before but any edits I made... they would appear in both) Now, I see how to separate the crops :) Weird thing was... I could do multiple-same-source adds with the older version of OBS... I guess the new version is breaking me of my bad habits ;-)

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New Member
Thanks a lot @ossgeek for raising the question and @shaolin for the answer. I had exactly the same problem and was very confused. Each time I added an existing source I would just have a duplicated item and couldn't have different crops.

CTRL+E or holding alt is not intuitive at all. I would have never found out that.

Thanks again