Question / Help Window Capture - switching between screens


New Member

I often switch between screens whilst recording my working process,
but when I do this whilst recording in window capture it always causes the recording to jitter in the instant I do switch between screens. It does not record whatever app or window I switch to. Does that make sense? I hope it does.

Has anyone experienced anything similar, and do you know a fix besides not switching between windows at all or attaching an external display?

Thanks for the help



New Member
it doesn't really do much for me as I work in photoshop and that doesn't fullscreen as a separate display (e.g it stays within the desktop and doesn't open as an independent fullscreen application on the Mac like safari, OBS, or finder)
Screen Shot 2018-01-08 at 15.34.02 copy.1.jpg

I need it in window capture.
My current issue arises when switching between the above windows whilst recording in photoshop.
e.g below:

I need a fix for that.


Active Member
I doubt there is any way around that which does not involve either display or hardware capture.