Bug Report Window Capture stopped working correctly..


New Member

Many Thanks for this awesome Software, i bow in humble gratitude.

Up until a few days ago, i was able to record everything exactly as i wanted. I loved you guys for that.
But a few days ago, without: Windows update, OBS update, GPU update or any other update the window-capture won't work as before.

Before i was able to open up to 4 Streams, "all in Fullscreen" on my second monitor and i was able to run 4 instances of OBS Studio and record all 4 streams in full screen with no Problems.
From one day to the other that is no longer possible. Each time i have "anything" in fullscreen on "any monitor" as soon as i put "anything" else in fullscreen/full monitor view the OBS instance just changes to the new fullscreen/full monitor window or seems to layer the new window into the other..

I do not think this is supposed to be that way. I red here and found a few people who wrote something similiar.
I updated OBS, made a clean install of the GPU drivers, erased Cash and cookies and so on and so forth.
Does someone have any idea, or is there any check box to have a look at?


I made a recoding and set the source to fullscreen. Then i took another stream and just placed the second source on the same monitor ("no fullscreen for the second source yet...")
OBS Studios preview freezes instantly and the whole thing is no longer reacting, other than me taking the second source window away from the monitor.


Edit 1: An interesting observation/fact:

When I use the "Browser-Capture" the lag can be completely stopped by right-clicking on the preview and choose "interact."
As long as I keep moving/hovering the mouse over the "interactionwindow" the stream runs without lag and records without lag as well.
As soon as i stop moving/hovering the mouse over the "interactionwindow" or close said window, the stream gets laggy same as the recording.

I changed the fps to custom and that seems to have made a small change in the lags, but did not circumvent them all together.

Is it possible it has something to do with the fps/ the times how often OBS scans the window for activity or something similiar?
Due to some errormessages in the log asking about admin rights, i ran OBS as Admin and it sadly did not change anything.
Edit 2: I don't know why or how, but since today the windowcapture works as before... I didn't do anything, just waited for your reply and i am able to place more than one window on any monitor in fullscreen without OBS changing anything.

Please take a look at the second observation i mentioned about the browsercapture function anyway.

Thank you again.

Edit 3: I solved it by myself.
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