Bug Report Window Capture Refocuses on Wrong Window if Original Window is Closed with Some Software


New Member
I'm not quite sure if this should be classified as a bug report, but I'm having an issue where OBS-MP automatically re-grabs the wrong source in window capture mode if the original window is closed.

Seems like it only happens with some software. An example would be Undertale. If I use window capture on Undertale and close the game, it refocuses on an explorer window if I have one open. I've tried detection based on window class, window title, and executable name. Does it on all three.

With normal OBS, this doesn't happen. Only multiplatform. Also, game capture has some strange issues with grabbing the game. Sometimes it grabs it no issues, other times it can't find the game. I've just resorted to using normal OBS for now, but I'd love to be able to use OBS studio.

I did notice it only seems to happen on some programs though, which is what's bugging me so much about it. I can grab other windows and close them, and OBS will just leave the last frame as what's displayed.

Win10 64bit.
I found one other thread with a very similar issue but no real response. They were also on Win 10


Everything up to and including 131 is what happens with Window Capture. After that is the error game capture is throwing.

Edit: Should clarify, game capture works if I use my Nvidia card and not the intel one, but it still takes forever to grab the game and sometimes requires re-initialization.
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I've seen this also.

As it turns out I have had just about zero luck getting Window Capture to work well (ie, smooth frames) at all for me lately, and went back to Game Capture. It may be because I'm on Windows 7 SP1 but I'm pretty sure I had it working better when I first started messing with OBS-MP. (0.12.0).

At any rate I have seen that behavior and it is kind of annoying.

Game Capture does seem to work a little better for this, and as an added bonus, when the window you wanted it to capture closes, the whole source just disappears instead of leaving the last frame on the screen. As it did with original OBS. So if you have an image source or some other source below it in the scene, you see that instead. (I do this on purpose in case of a game crash, etc.)


New Member
Game capture doesn't work very well with Undertale which is why I use window capture.

Also normal OBS has point filtering which works great with Undertale so I've just been using that. It's still an annoying bug preventing me from using multiplatform though.