Bug Report Window Capture Moves onto another Window


New Member

Is there any way to make sure Window capture never captures any window other than the specific window I tell it to?

Pretty sure this is a bug but it's always been present in OBS multiplatform. It doesn't matter if I choose to capture via Window Class, Window Title or Executable Name, if the original window isn't open OBS will quite frequently just capture any other random window. I'm not sure how to reproduce this 100% of the time, but it happens a lot. It never used to be a problem in OBS Classic.

Surely if I select the process Window Capture -> Window Match Priority -> Executable Name (i.e. "LiveSplit.exe") I should never have to worry about it capturing a window from a completely different process... but if I close the process (LiveSplit.exe) OBS often just starts capturing the Window of a completely different process.

Anyone else having this problem? Any idea how to fix it? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I was talking about game capture, sorry. :P

I´ve tried to reproduce your issue, but when I close selected window, I just get the obvoius black screen. My OBS never gets another Window instead.


New Member
I'm not exactly sure how to reproduce it 100% of the time, but it happens a lot, there's definitely some kind of bug.

Here's an example (http://i.imgur.com/7TAhzuV.gif):


It capture a completely different executable and doesn't re-capture the original one even when it reopens.
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Active Member
I can´t reproduce your issue.
I close NohBoard and it´s captured again when I reopen it.

My Window capture properties shows this:

I think this happens due privateinformation.exe , not OBS.


New Member
Thanks for the reply but NohBoard and PrivateInformation.exe were just a simplified example, I've had it happen with a variety of different window captures, it's not related to those specific executables.

Often I can be capturing LiveSplit or Notepad (via Window Capture -> Executable Name) and if I close one of them OBS randomly captures an open explorer window.