Question / Help Window Capture ETA? @Jim


New Member
Hey, Jim. I'm sure you folks are working hard to provide Mac users with cheap and reliable streaming software — in fact, you've already done a much better job and shown much more kindness to us than many larger or better funded organizations. For that, you've got my gratitude.

You fellas already know the importance of a "Window Capture" feature for streaming, so I promise not to patronize ya as if you didn't. I was just wondering if there were any updates you could offer regarding the status of this feature? If possible, an ETA for a working implementation? I understand you want to deliver in the best way possible, which means taking your time, so don't feel rushed — and seriously, on behalf of Mac streamers everywhere, thanks. It's great to see some actual time and effort being put forth for this.

Sort of a side note, but live updates and news regarding the development of this feature for the Mac client, amongst others, would be very appreciated. (If these are ongoing already, I must have missed them. New to the site! My apologies.)

TL;DR: ETA for Window Capture? Live updates appreciated.


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Forum Moderator
We have a branch in progress for it. I don't typically like to give ETAs, but we're working to put a major update out at the moment and it took longer than expected. I thought we might not have window capture in the next update but it seems like we may just indeed have it ready for the release.


New Member
Great news! Thanks for the quick reply, Jim. I've got all the faith in the world in you and the rest of your team.