Question / Help window capture black screen when application is full screened


New Member
The title says it all.

Have performed the steps in the thread about black screen for laptop streaming.

capture works just fine when the application is in windowed mode (alt+enter)

when going to full screen the capture is simply black (pressing alt+enter to get back to full screen) (this is what I need working) (log file)


Active Member
If you're trying to capture league of legends. Use game capture on the actual match, not window capture.


New Member
Not trying to capture league, I have league working just fine. I have 99% of my scenes and games working just fine for streaming, its simply this one where i get a blank screen in full screen with window capture (it also wont work with a game capture, but thats a different story and not my focus)

The game in question is Mechcommander, from the late 90's.


Active Member
Then yeah, there's not a lot you can do to capture that while it's fullscreen, as I'm pretty sure it's a directx 8 or 7 game.


New Member
The confusing bit about this is that it captures just fine when its in windowed mode so why not full screen?