Question / Help Will a multi-core CPU help with streaming?


I'm about to upgrade my PC. Thinking of going intel 5820 6-core or Skylake 6700k. Leaning more towards the 5820 if OBS is able to make use of the additional cores e.g. I was thinking 4 cores for the game/OS, 1 core for X264 encoding to Twitch at 3500kbits, 1 core for X264 encoding to HDD at 8000kbits. Is this viable? I've tried encoding two X264 streams on my 2600k Sandybridge but its not quite up to the task when playing WoW.


Active Member
You've got the breakdown of cores wrong, games usually only use 2 threads at most right now and x264 encoding will use as many cores as you can throw at it. x264 is far more likely to be able to take advantage of higher core counts than games are. Most games need higher per-core speed.


New Member
This is the same question I ask myself due to the fact that i7-6700k supports Intel QuickSync compared to i7-5820k


Active Member
quicksync has a quality loss vs x264, which is the reason to prefer higher end processors that can support the combined load.


My question to the OP and mumsimat: What does your budget look like? What GPU are you planning on using? I will tell you if you get the 6700K or even the older 4790K (7% performance difference) Quick sync is the way to go. I use quick sync in my streams now and it doesn't use any CPU cores at all. Now on the flip side with the X99 you don't get such a feature but you have more options for a CPUs with more cores, but it is also far more expensive this way. If you are just gaming I'd go with the 6700K or 4790K.


New Member
gaming, streaming, rendering a lot of movies! my budget: 420€ for CPU. In Germany i7-5820 costs 399€, i7-6700K costs 400-410€, i7-4790K cost 360€


You should never use QuickSync for streaming unless you have a potato processor, the quality compared to x264 is terrible at low bitrates. QuickSync is awesome for high bitrate recording though but so are AMD VCE and NVENC.

A 4790K can do 720p60 Fast/Medium x264 3500Kbps without even sweating. A 5820K will be even better at encoding but it will be less effective in games(not by much) due to its lower clockrate and thus lower IPC.

To answer your question, the 5820K is better for editing and streaming hands down


New Member
A 4790K can do 720p60 Fast/Medium x264 3500Kbps without even sweating.

Uhhhh.... maybe in really low usage games?

The faster preset (what I use for streaming) uses around 30-40% of my 4790k at constant motion - then you have games like GTA V and other heavy resource games that use the remainder and the CPU quickly gets to almost 100%. Not sure how you can manage fast or medium unless your playing a game that uses hardly anything.


New Member
However, I am going to wait until the new Hashwell-E CPUs will be released next year. Hopefully the prices are going to decrease but I guess I am going to take i7-5820k. Thanks you so much :)