Question / Help Why is my stream so laggy?


Active Member
22:03:19.492: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 6763 (53.0%)

Yes, this means your internet connection cannot sustain your selected bitrate. Other users of the same connection might very well contribute to this problem, yes.

That this is happening despite your rather low selected bitrate (2500) either indicates you can't possibly run two streams at once, or that your internet connection in general is not fast enough to stream.


New Member
22:03:19.492: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 6763 (53.0%)

Yes, this means your internet connection cannot sustain your selected bitrate. Other users of the same connection might very well contribute to this problem, yes.

That this is happening despite your rather low selected bitrate (2500) either indicates you can't possibly run two streams at once, or that your internet connection in general is not fast enough to stream.

Thank you so much! Do you have any suggestions on settings, or things I could do to make it run the slightest bit easier? I stream using video capture device, because I do not have the newest version of OBS. I heard that it would be better for streaming if I use game capture, but I am unable to use that. Should I turn down the resolution, change any of my settings, etc? He uses an Ethernet cable to stream, does it take up all of the WiFi or something?


Active Member
If you're paying for a single connection to the Internet between you, it doesn't matter much whether you use wired or wireless (but wireless is not recommended for streaming, at all-- wired is always better).

The problem is that the connection from your location to the Internet is likely not fast enough for you to stream. I can't tell from the log whether that's because of the other stream or not.

Reducing resolution by itself won't help-- that will help alleviate low quality at that bitrate, but you either need to stream one at a time, or reduce your resolution AND bitrate low enough that both streams are possible.

Run TwitchTest to get an idea of how good your connection is for streaming.