Question / Help Why is my Audio Super Quiet?


New Member
So I'm having a few issues with OBS Studio after recently coming from OBS. First off, with volumes at 100, it's obscenely quiet for my viewers. Is it going to create issues cranking my mic up to 200+? My game audio is also very quiet. Is there a master volume control? It seems like everything is so quiet.


New Member
I've noticed the same thing. I tried the suggestions which were provided in my own thread on this same issue, and the Gain Filters and Audio Boost options did nothing to help me.

My problem is that the preview audio is too quiet and it appears that the preview audio cannot be boosted itself. The boost options I mentioned do work but they only appear to work for the actual recording and not the audio that comes to my headset (the latter remains at the quiet volume even with the boosting set at maximum).