Question / Help Why does OBS Keep crashing?

DJ Paul C

New Member
Hi guys, OBS keeps crashing on opening. Used it for about a month. Paid for OBS cam. Couldn't add it over wifi. Kept hunting for solutions to OBS cam to work over wifi following different people's advice. At one stage advised to Download OBS Runtime 4.5.1 & NDI 4.9.0 now program completely crashes, tried deleting it and reinstalling. Same problem, non stop crashing :( I DJed for a living , I run a mac book pro 13 inch with Sierra 10.12.6, I have an iPhone 7 & 5s & a Pioneer DDJ SRs mixer/controller for audio. I really appreciated having this when I did, below is my crash log, pease will you help me or point me somewhere I can get help? thank you in advance

Paul :)
