Question / Help Why can't i record at 2160p 4k? [Solved]


New Member
I recently tried some stuff to record a game when it was 2160p, i tried window capture, display capture and game capture. All result in a black screen, i have an SLI setup and the latest i7 processor with well above the recommended RAM. Why is this happening? Is it even possible to record in 2160p using OBS? Is it an issue with my drivers or something?
BTW the game is Need for speed most wanted 2012
i tried 1440p and that worked, even with 4x super sampling.

EDIT: display capture to capture a 2160p monitor works
I record (mostly) in 1440p@60fps x264 lossless crf=0 with 2 audio tracks 320kpbs

my cpu load is about 40-50%

hdd is raid0 with 2x wd green

works very well.


New Member
ok, for some reason new sources and one of the two of my older sources does not even display anything even if i shrink down to 1080p. All a black screen. I keep anti cheat compatibility off and multi adapter compatibility on, because i have an SLI set-up.

Here's a session log file, please help me here. I can't see anything if i full screen capture, and the one and only source that works is one that i don't want to fiddle with because i use that in case i ever have to record at 1440p.


New Member
I'm an idiot, there can be only one game capture source and creating a new scene can allow different capture size.