Question / Help Which GPU is best to JUST encode?


New Member
I just started to use 2 PC set up with Elgato HD Pro.
Stream pc dont have GPU so its only based on CPU encoder which make very big usage of cpu while stream is on.
Do you think that if i add any good nvidia gpu only to encode it will make my quality better and cpu will be less "tired"?
If yes Which card i should choose in around 150$ price?
I heard that for example MSI GeForce GTX750Ti 2048MB 128bit Low Profile is good, true?

I can borow Gtx 460 from friend, maybe IT would be ok.

Thx for help in advance and sorry for quite poor english ;)
What CPU do you have in your streaming PC. This is supposed to be the advantage of having a dual PC setup that you don't overload the same machine that is playing the game. Also NVENC is particularly bad for encoding at low bitrates so if you are streaming you are much better sorting out your CPU issue than sinking money into a GPU


New Member
Intel Core i5-6500, 3.2GHz, while i turn on 720@60 stream/record IT take like 85 90% of usage with 100% jumps. Maybe ideas how to make This lower?


New Member
Ok, i will try to do it as soon as i will comeback to home.
Maybe any fast ideas? Other encoder? QuickSync insted of x264 or something?
I'd take a guess that you have the cpu preset set too high. If you use medium (for instance) that will take much more cpu than veryfast
I just had a look at your CPU and it only has four threads which might explain things but to be honest I think we are missing something. First thing to do is post a log of a streaming session. Make sure the log contains Streaming Stop before uploading so we catch data from the stream


For x264, reducing bitrate does reduce CPU usage by a small amount.
Can change preset to SuperFast to reduce CPU usage, at a cost of some quality and/or bigger recording file size.

Using 64 bit OBS for a little faster or a little less CPU usage when using x264? Show us OBS logs.

(edit) More to add: QuickSync might be ok for more recent intel CPU, I only have old sandy bridge CPU which have poor quality QuickSync.
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