When I try to save an OBS Recording, it is stuck at the "Stopping Recording..." stage.


Active Member
First up, never record directly to MP4. It is not a recording-safe format. Record to FLV or MKV instead. There's a reason it pops up a big orange warning message when people select mp4 as the recording format. Recordings hanging during finalization (and being lost due to mp4 not being recording-safe) happens.

17:28:43.914: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 42 (1.2%)
17:28:45.240: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 2347/3325 (70.6%)
Unfortunately it appears that your APU is unable to record 1080p60 video even on x264 Ultrafast.
As you're getting rendering stalls, swapping to the AMF encoder is unlikely to help, as it seems your GPU is already overloaded (and AMF is not a separate part of the GPU like NVENC is on nVidia cards; it uses primary GPU resources).

Try dropping the framerate to 30fps. You might have to go lower, or even reduce the resolution as well. APUs are really not very computationally capable.