Question / Help When can we expect some plugins for OBSMP



Really enjoy the OBSMP layout better then the original one. When can we expect some of the plugin's to show up for OBSMP? Ive read it's in the works, but any idea time wise?



when people decide to make them? They are plugins for a reason, they are not part of obs and never were.


The Helping Squad
"plugins" might also be a bit too vague. The browser plugin already exists and a video plugin for example is included with obs-mp by default. What exactly are you looking for?


Community Helper
I'm sure people will start developing more plugins once OBS MP is pushed as the primary version of the software over OBS1.


"plugins" might also be a bit too vague. The browser plugin already exists and a video plugin for example is included with obs-mp by default. What exactly are you looking for?

--Really could use the scrolling plugin for OBSMP to name one. This is really the only plugin im missing from switching from the older obs. The MP layout is wayyy more user friendly


I'm sure people will start developing more plugins once OBS MP is pushed as the primary version of the software over OBS1.

-- Im stupid, but why couldnt the ones that are for the other obs work on this one? Is it completetly different coding or something? Again im no programmer so im sure theres a good reason for it (and im sure you guys have thought of that hahaha)


Active Member
Because they are both completely seperate applications.
The scroll filter has already been coded, so when the next version is released it will have it.


Active Member
The underlying code that allows the plugins to work is enough different that plugins for obs classic won't work with multiplatform.


Because they are both completely seperate applications.
The scroll filter has already been coded, so when the next version is released it will have it.

--excellent cant wait. Great job you guys on this application again we all couldnt do this without you. When "approximately" should the new version be out?


Active Member
If you replace the ffmpeg components with ones properly coded for quicksync support, you can do that already


Active Member
Don't think current ffmpeg versions support QSV very well if at all. It does however support NVENC, which I already got working with OBS-multiplatform ffmpeg output.
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If i would try to write a plugin, i wouldn't even know how to start. Some kind of SDK or some hints on how to properly write plugins (maybe small scale examples) would be very helpful. I'm thinking on adding Logitech Arx support for example.