What params must be used for?


New Member
Often youtube says:

YouTube is not receiving enough video to maintain smooth streaming. As such, viewers will experience buffering.

Your encoder is sending data faster than realtime (multipleseconds of video each second). You must rate limit your livevideo upload to approximately 1 second of video each second.

The stream's current bitrate (5730.00 Kbps) is lower than the recommended bitrate. We recommend that you use a stream bitrate of 4500 Kbps.

I use
-f rawvideo -s:v 1920x1080 -r 60 -pix_fmt nv12

-c:v h264_nvenc
-level:v 4.2
-profile:v high
-preset:v hq
-b:v 8000k

-color_range 2
-colorspace bt709
-g 240

-2pass 1

Why it happens?
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