Question / Help What is nv12 texture support?


New Member
my OBS logs always have the line "NV12 texture support not available".
This does not seem to stop the OBS from working, so what exactly is NV12 texture support, and what are the consequences of not having it?
I'm sure it is not that big of a deal, since I can stream and record just fine, I just would like a detailed explanation.


Active Member
This is the theoretical support for OBS being able to feed a hardware encoder like nvenc, Quicksync or AMD VCE the data directly from GPU memory instead of downloading the data to CPU memory. This lowers system load significantly. This feature is actually implemented for nvenc only (the "nvenc (new)" encoder), and as far as I understand some developers chats, it is planned for the other encoders as well, as long as the corresponding encoder APIs support it.