What is libndi and why do I need it? (recording only)


New Member
I'm trying to install obs-studio from my distro's package manager (using Nobara, a Fedora based distro focused on gaming) and OBS keeps whining about libndi being missing. Packages for both libndi and obs-ndi are installed.

It's hard to tell exactly what NDI is or what it does, but it seems to have something to do with streaming. I'm not interested in streaming just recording. Is it safe to ignore this?
I'm trying to install obs-studio from my distro's package manager (using Nobara, a Fedora based distro focused on gaming) and OBS keeps whining about libndi being missing. Packages for both libndi and obs-ndi are installed.

It's hard to tell exactly what NDI is or what it does, but it seems to have something to do with streaming. I'm not interested in streaming just recording. Is it safe to ignore this?
View attachment 98053

NDI is a network transport protocol for video and audio. I frequently use it in my own setup to move video across my four-machine streaming cluster, but all involved machines run under Windows rather than Linux. You have to download libndi per the instructions on the OBS NDI plugin's page for NDI to work. Since it's a non-free (licensing, not cost) library, it cannot be bundled with OBS Studio.

Did you install the NDI plugin, which requires this library, or did you just install OBS Studio? Your distro may have bundled it as something to install, though it SHOULD have told you that: A. You needed to download and install libndi, and; B. How to do this and where to get it.

OBS NDI's official Github page is here for 4.11.1, which features a script that gives you the ability to download the library.

If your distro's package installed with the OBS NDI plugin as an integrated part of the package or pulled OBS NDI in as a "dependency", I consider that a bad move unless it gave you either instructions how, or a way, to download libndi under Linux. Even then, many people, like and including (apparently) yourself don't need it. You will need to check your distro's documentation to see how to find out if the plugin was installed as a dependency (bad) or part of the OBS package (worse), then find out how to remove it, or at the very least, disable it.

And for what it's worth, NDI has absolutely nothing to do with streaming at all. It can be used in either a recording or a streaming environment.

--Katt. =^.^=