What I Really Miss


New Member
You know what I really miss in OBS Studio, and really, *REALLY* wish was added?

A actual dedicated Scene/Scene Component 'Save' and 'Save As...' set of functions - I am constantly making a change (inadvertently) to my Scenes which automatically gets saved. I'd much rather have to explicitly hit a 'Save' Button, or select it from a Menu Option, than the current "Autosave" feature.

And there's no reason not to have both - the "Autosave" would obviously be more of an "Auto-backup" function.

Now, if I've made a complete fool of myself because there is such a set of functions, then would someone:
  1. Remember to treat the newbie with kindness, and
  2. Kindly point out to said newbie where such functions are.

Cheers :-)
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Murray Sut

New Member
YES this! sometimes I make my own problems as I fool around with changes that I don't necessarily want to keep. What other piece of software just autosaves everything without an UNDO button.
On any other piece of software we are very used to opening a doc, program or almost anything and being responsible to save our own work if we want the change to stay there. Autosave has it's place, but really, I look up an autosave from a piece of work once a month.