took a bit to find it. At top of Settings >> Output page is the Output mode which can be changed from advanced to simple and down from there in the Recording settings there is a Recordinjg Quality box usually set to "same as stream". Change that baby to anything else you like. Save it. Go back to your studio page and start recording. A pause button appears beside the recording button thing. At the bottom of the page you will notice a red button indicating you are recording. if you press the pause bars beside the "Stop Recording" button thiny again,, the red buttoin changes to pause bars. It's paused recording. Press the pause bars beside the Stop Recording box and the red button returns indicating you are recording. It's a little confusing since the pause bars beside the Start/Stoip Recording button selection does not change when pausing. You have to look at the bottom of the page, over on the right a little. Hope this helps.