What are the exact settings of "Indistinguishable Quality, Large File Size"?


New Member
I've recorded some things with the Indistinguishable Quality simple output preset (x264, mp4, 1080p60), and they look satisfactory to me. However, I need to record multiple audio tracks, which can only be done with advanced output settings. I'm not very good at judging video quality or seeing compression artifacts, but I feel like the advanced output doesn't look as good the way I have it set up. I've played with the settings a little, but I don't even know what an appropriate bitrate would be. So how can I emulate Indistinguishable Quality in advanced settings? It doesn't have to be exact, obviously, just something of roughly the same quality/size.


Active Member
qhobbes gave a direct answer with a value, but the simple mode computes some encoding parameters dependent from the resolution, i. e. the CRF value may be higher or lower depending on the resolution.
To exactly reproduce the settings in advanced mode, perform a short recording session in simple mode, then look in the current logfile (Help->Logfiles->View current log) and identify the session settings. The entries should be near the end of the current logfile - the last recording session.

This is how it looks for my system:
09:59:22.924: ---------------------------------
09:59:22.924: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] preset: veryfast
09:59:22.924: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] profile: high
09:59:22.926: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] settings:
09:59:22.926: rate_control: CRF
09:59:22.926: bitrate: 0
09:59:22.926: buffer size: 0
09:59:22.926: crf: 16
09:59:22.926: fps_num: 60
09:59:22.926: fps_den: 1
09:59:22.926: width: 2560
09:59:22.926: height: 1440
09:59:22.926: keyint: 250
09:59:22.937: ---------------------------------


New Member
qhobbes gave a direct answer with a value, but the simple mode computes some encoding parameters dependent from the resolution, i. e. the CRF value may be higher or lower depending on the resolution.
To exactly reproduce the settings in advanced mode, perform a short recording session in simple mode, then look in the current logfile (Help->Logfiles->View current log) and identify the session settings. The entries should be near the end of the current logfile - the last recording session.

This is how it looks for my system:
09:59:22.924: ---------------------------------
09:59:22.924: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] preset: veryfast
09:59:22.924: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] profile: high
09:59:22.926: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_recording'] settings:
09:59:22.926: rate_control: CRF
09:59:22.926: bitrate: 0
09:59:22.926: buffer size: 0
09:59:22.926: crf: 16
09:59:22.926: fps_num: 60
09:59:22.926: fps_den: 1
09:59:22.926: width: 2560
09:59:22.926: height: 1440
09:59:22.926: keyint: 250
09:59:22.937: ---------------------------------
Thanks for the help. What about the bitrate? In your log and mine it says the bitrate is zero. Does that mean I should make the bitrate zero in advanced output settings? What does setting the bitrate to zero actually mean?


Active Member
For recording, simple mode uses CRF as rate control, and CRF doesn't have a bitrate. If you change to CRF, the input field for the bitrate will vanish. It's a quality-based rate control, that means the encoder will use dynamically as much bitrate as the video material requires, and the CRF value determines how much detail is removed (0=none, 50=all).