Question / Help What are some of the best recording settings for my end?


New Member
I have a i5-2500, Nvidia GT710, 8 GB Ram and i had some settings before i reinstalled my os that made my csgo videos be recorded PERFECTLY, with no drop frames or anything and now the recording just lags a lot like one frame moves each 5 seconds but my game is at a constant 90-70 fps per second, but i cant seem to find those settings anymore, so i was wondering if any of you guys have some settings for me. Log File:


Active Member
Run OBS as Administrator.
Simple output mode.
Indistinguishable quality.
NVENC if the 710 supports it, x264 low-CPU if it does not.
And record to MKV or FLV, NEVER to mp4 directly for any reason.

MP4 is not a recording-safe format; if anything at all goes wrong during the recording, your entire recording will be corrupted and un-recoverable by any means. If you need mp4 files for editing, record to mkv/flv and then use the 'remux recordings' option under OBS' File menu. As an added bonus, many video editors have problems with native-recorded mp4 files from OBS, while the remuxed versions work perfectly.