Question / Help What are my audio opitons in this situation?


New Member
I create video lessons for drumming which I upload to YouTube. For this, I use the video from a pair of cameras, and the audio from the microphones recording the drums. I also use a dedicated audio microphone for my voice. In editing, I have to manually cut out the audio on the vocal mic every time I play the drums because the drums sound horrific through it.

I'm turning to live streamed lessons, and I'm not sure what to do about the voice audio. I want to use my drum mics through my audio interface for the drum audio, but these don't pick up my voice very well. I'm looking at a USB webcam with built in microphone, but I'm sure the same distortion would happen every time I play the drums.

I know I could manually turn down the gain on the vocal mic every time I play the drums, but that breaks the flow if I'm explaining and playing something.

I've also got a lapel mic, but I'm not sure where I could plug this in within the setup. I guess i could plug it into the video camera's audio input, but then I'd need to buy a video capture card to use that camera.

Does anyone have any ideas? I've currently got a video camera, a DSLR, an integrated webcam, and the audio interface for the drum audio. I can use one of my mics as a dedicated voice mic, but then I'd get a lot of bleed every time I play the drums.

Harvey S

The Compression filter in OBS has side chain ducking. Use it to duck your voice mic and use the drums as the trigger. I have never used it to know it's limitations. might be worth a try.