Bug Report Weird Image Slideshow audio bug?


New Member
So first let me explain my basic setup. I have an AverMedia C127 capture card, PCI-E that I have been using with OBS Classic just fine. I decided to update to OBS Studio and so far everything seemed fine. I set up all my scenes again from scratch as close as I could match them from my previous Classic install. Once I was happy with everything visually, I decided to do a test recording. That's where I noticed a completely weird issue.

I use an image slideshow as a sort of "be right back" splash screen that cycles through a few images and will block my screen while I'm away. So I have that slideshow set up in my scene, then would "hide" it with the check box in Classic, or the "eye" icon in Studio. Then when I needed it to show, I would show it by checking the box in Classic for example.

That element in my scene remains hidden 95% of the time but is there when I need it. So when I recreated my scene in Studio I set it up again to have it ready. This is where it gets weird though. In my test recording, I noticed my video had no audio. Completely confused, I made a scene with JUST my capture card source in it and tried again. Suddenly I had audio with the exact same settings. So I tested the original scene again. Sure enough I had audio with the slideshow hidden.

I restarted the software and did another test, and my audio was gone again. So I repeated the steps and tested again on a blank scene, and had audio. So one by one I started removing elements from my scene until I could close and reopen the software and the audio would work. I narrowed it down to the Image Slideshow element being hidden when the software opens if that element is in the primary scene. If the slideshow is visible when the software starts, the audio capture from my capture card works fine. However if that element is hidden when the software starts, the audio from the capture device is muted. Two things that should be completely unrelated, but somehow aren't. If you start the software with the slideshow hidden, start a recording, then tick the slideshow on, and back off again. In the recording, you will have muted audio until the point you tick the slideshow on. At that point the audio is there, and hiding the slideshow no longer effects the audio in OBS until the software is restarted.

To fix this temporarily I created a second scene with my capture device, and my slideshow always active, then removed the slideshow from my primary scene. Now to display the slideshow I have to fully switch scenes instead of just unhiding it.

Has this bug been reported before? I searched for it but found nothing, and it seems completely weird that it does this.

If anyone needs more detail I will provide as much info as I can, I would love to see this get fixed so I don't need a complete separate scene for one single screen element.
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Suslik V

Active Member
Please post a log with your issue! Here's how...

I cannot reproduce your bug. Do you see the 'Video Capture Device' sound source in Mixer's list? Is level meter for this source moving (green color) when you playback audio in your capture device?

About the scenes. It designed to simplify management of your setups and change appearance of your stream on the fly. By using scenes, you can use transitions effects between them (fade, slide etc.). By using 'Add Existing' option you can create complex scenes which has minimal impact on your system. Hide/unhide source option is more like "switch it off" rather than "delete source completely (maybe I could try to use it later...)". Scene for pause - is the best solution in OBS environment, I think.

'Image Slide Show' source in the current build of the Studio doesn't stop or restart if you hide/unhide it. It runs in forever loop.


New Member
Yes I see it, and it's there. Even though OBS shows it is detecting sound. Until I unhide the hidden element, there is no sound. The same applies to if I switch the output audio on the capture to output to desktop then test it. OBS refuses to let the audio channel through because of the image slide show for some weird reason.

I'm aware of how the scenes work, having been an active streamer using OBS only for the last 4-5 years. Only recently making the change to Studio to encounter this bug. The thing you mention about the slide show not stopping when you hide it could very well be partial cause to the issue I am experiencing. Though it is odd that you were unable to reproduce it, as I can reproduce it flawlessly every time I open OBS Studio if I do the steps I detailed in the first post.

Suslik V

Active Member
I see no errors from your log. You have recorded about 7 sec video with single audio track. Sound should be in the video.
If only your capture card (or device) stopped it. Try other sources and see is it happens only to your capture card source or to any media you are imported to the Studio.

By the way, you are using different fps and sample rate settings for Studio and for capture card. This can lead to sync issues and performance/quality loss.


New Member
It's any media that plays. For example, my alerts are in that scene. As well, using a test alert even with desktop audio enabled, which it is in that test, the alerts are silent. As for the video being 7 seconds, yes that's all it takes for me to start a recording, toggle the slideshow on and get the audio to pop in. There is no need for a long test because the bug instantly presents itself in the proper conditions.

I use the automatic setting for my capture source, and stream at 30fps. I've never once experienced issues doing this over the last 5 years. I understand you're trying to help, and I do appreciate it, but I assure you that I've tried A LOT of debugging before even making a post. I am completely stumped after literally hours of trial and error. OBS Classic with exact matching settings and scenes has no issues what so ever with the same set up.

Suslik V

Active Member
Can you open Windows mixer while hide/unhide clicking and see, is the levels of the sound changes or not?


New Member
I can open the mixer, but there will be no audio. OBS shows it's receiving audio from my capture card, but even if I set it to output to desktop there is no audio. Windows mixer shows no audio, even though OBS does. The moment I unhide the slideshow, OBS has audio, and then Windows mixer also shows audio. It's something in OBS somewhere that is somehow linking the slideshow element to some sort of audio on/off switch somehow. It doesn't make much sense to me, but that's just what I've found so far. My temporary solution was just to like I said remove the slideshow and place it on another scene. Still would love to know the cause of this issue though if there is even a way to track it down.

Suslik V

Active Member
Then you need clear results. Because, I see no evidence that it happened to someone else but you. For clear results we need, new obs portable instance (without browser source), only 1 'Video Capture Device' and 1 'Image Slide Show' source (2 images 320x240 jpg). If issue still present, then I can consider that your setup is not compatible with current build of the studio. Then you can try previous builds of the OBS Studio and check it in the same way (slide show source available in all v0.15.x).