Question / Help Webcam loses sync with audio


New Member
Hello! First let me say that OBS is awesome, thanks for providing this application!

I'm looking for help to solve an issue I'm having. When it gets down to it, my webcam loses sync with my audio over time. Initially, I thought I was dropping frames but I went an hour plus today without dropping a single frame. Also it is just my webcam video that seems affected, the video feed from the game (fullscreen) maintains sync.
  • If I launch OBS and then open any application (the game I'm streaming, a browser, what have you) the sync issue happens immediately.
  • If I set everything up and then launch OBS, the issue sometimes doesn't occur (I went for over an hour today without issue) but sometimes does and gets progressively worse.
  • I usually stream Hearthstone and frequently change servers from NA to EU and even Asia... this problem will occur if I switch servers as I need to quit the game and make the switch via the launcher to do so.
Here is the log file for my last stream.

I'm running on a mac mini (mid 2011) 2.5 GHz Intel core i5, OSX 10.9.5 with 16GB ram
I'm using a Blue Yeti mic and a Logitech Webcam C930e
I'm stream to Twitch from 2-5pm eastern Monday through Friday

Any other information needed I'm happy to provide. Thanks for your help!


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Forum Moderator
There is a bug where a video device can unintentionally get more delayed than intended, though another thing that is fundamentally needed is the ability to attach an audio device directly to the video device so they're running on the timebase (if that makes sense). So to sum it up I'm not entirely surprised that this actually happened to someone, and we may not have a fix for it for at least another patch or so, though we eventually will fix it.


New Member
Thanks for the quick reply!

Attaching the mic to the webcam so they're running on the same timebase is something I was thinking about. Just to clarify for me, is that possible? The settings application for this cam is super basic and I couldn't find a way to do it there. If it isn't possible I'll make do and wait for the patch that fixes it :)


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
You'll have to wait for a patch, though as I said it won't be for quite some time. Two or three patches before such a fix is in, I'm betting. The program is still sort of in it's early-midstage of development so there's still a lot of higher priority work to be done, though you will hopefully very soon at the very least be able to resync your mic to the webcam, as that is a feature coming sooner, though not necessarily actual fix the problem.


New Member
An update/patch will come when its available. give it at least a week or two for something to be developed. its not like they can just go in and tweak one bit of data in the code to make this fixed. yes this has been coming about for couple months, its not new news, and knowing a technical aspect you can't rush success/stability.


New Member
This was "two or three patches" away in 2014, with nothing new in 2015. It's now 2016... is there any new information about this? I sometimes use a standalone digital camera in webcam mode, and it loses about 1-200ms every 20 minutes or so. This adds up to nearly a second after an hour or two. I've recently tried increasing the delay on my audio feed every 20 minutes to mitigate this (not sure yet whether it was effective). Next time I'll try turning the camera off and back on, then deactivating and reactivating its feed, which seems to be the only way to reset the delay.

I'm using Windows, but it looks like this isn't platform-dependent.

A fix for the gradual desync would be ideal, with the next best option being a way to automatically adjust an audio feed's delay to match the desync (this "running on the same timebase" feature). For now, I'll keep trying workarounds.