Question / Help Webcam / Audio Out of Sync!


New Member
Hey guys, I just want to say I love OBS and all the effort put into it. I use it for recording and streaming in almost every single situation anymore and am really satisfied.

The one massive issue I have with it recently is my webcam getting out of sync with the audio.
This may actually happen all the time, but its hard to tell since it only becomes obvious when I see myself speaking and its .5 second off what I'm actually saying.

It seems to be related to a small snag in the audio where I seem to "drop frames" on just the Audio. For example, I would try to say

"Hey guys welcome to another episode of some random blah blah"
and what actually comes out is
"Hey guys wel to another episode etc"
I miss like one syllable of a word towards the first minute of a recording and it causes everything to go arry.
Maybe this happens all the time and isn't related to the cam?

Either way its causing some less than favorable situations.
Here is an example:
You see this happen at around 0:27. I basically skip a very short part of the word "review" resulting in "rew" and causing the audio to go out of sync from then on.

Also have an example from a livestream:
Not really sure when it happened there, but you can see by the end its happened. Peculiar that its still only that same part out of sync though, not like exponentially getting worse.

I have some logs from around that date, but can't really figure out which one it is. Either of these seem to be the ones.

I've googled this issue and see threads from 2013 etc saying to link the mic to the webcam, but that doesn't really effect this situation, as the audio actually skips a bit and its not simply that they aren't synced from the start.
Anyway, hopefully you guys can help me fix this! If I can't I may be decommissioning the webcam for now!


Active Member
You can adjust the offsets in the advanced mixer controls (gear icon next to where it says mixer)


New Member
You can adjust the offsets in the advanced mixer controls (gear icon next to where it says mixer)
That's going to fix the issue where the sound lags and everything gets out of sync from there?
If so, can you explain that a bit more?
I don't see any gear icon or mixer anywhere on OBS.


Active Member
You're not using multiplatform then, which means you posted in the wrong section of the forums.