Question / Help WavTap - Kernel Extension Not Loaded


New Member
So this is the message I am getting when I click on the WavTap icon on the top right of my screen. I'm not sure if it means anything, but my main problem is that WavTap will not show up in my System Preferences as an Output device to choose from. I checked the pinned thread and its instructions, but it does not cover how to solve this problem. I looked elsewhere online and someone mentioned that there needs to be an extensions folder in your library with a file in it. Is this true, and if so, what is the file? I don't have an extensions folder in my library.


New Member
I'm having the same problem. I thought it might be because I am running the beta test of El Capitan, what version are you on?


New Member
As of 10.10, OSX now bans drivers that haven't received explicit approval from Apple. The only workaround I'm aware of is to set a system flag to globally allow all unsigned kernel extensions. This means WavTap will not work unless you've enabled kext-dev-mode.

To do that you have to copy and paste the code below into 'terminal'.

sudo nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1

terminal is an app found inside the utilities folder.

After changing this setting you need to restart the computer to have OS X recognize it.
It is important to note that the kext-signing setting is global, if you disable it you should be careful to only install system drivers from sources that you trust.
To reenable again use:
sudo nvram -d boot-args

here's the website where I found the info:

in case you were wondering I did this method exactly and have been using wavtap since with no problems.


New Member
As of 10.10, OSX now bans drivers that haven't received explicit approval from Apple. The only workaround I'm aware of is to set a system flag to globally allow all unsigned kernel extensions. This means WavTap will not work unless you've enabled kext-dev-mode.

To do that you have to copy and paste the code below into 'terminal'.

sudo nvram boot-args=kext-dev-mode=1

terminal is an app found inside the utilities folder.

After changing this setting you need to restart the computer to have OS X recognize it.
It is important to note that the kext-signing setting is global, if you disable it you should be careful to only install system drivers from sources that you trust.
To reenable again use:
sudo nvram -d boot-args

here's the website where I found the info:

in case you were wondering I did this method exactly and have been using wavtap since with no problems.
I've tried this about 5 times with no luck, not that it would have made much of a difference though, it stops working after I close and reopen OBS.


New Member
My problem is even after putting the text into terminal and rebooting my computer, the preferences still don't recognize the program. Is there something else that I need to do? Somebody mentioned having a specific folder with a file in the library, but I haven't read anything about this, nor do I know what the file is that was mentioned.


New Member
My problem is even after putting the text into terminal and rebooting my computer, the preferences still don't recognize the program.

I'm in the same boat, unfortunately… My terminal shows that kext-dev-mode is set to 1 as intended, but it doesn't make any difference, WavTap still says "Kernel Extension Not Installed". (Interestingly, it doesn't say "Not Loaded"; it says "Not Installed". Does that make a difference as to what's causing the issue?)

amsyar ZeRo

Uh,I hate to tell you all,but you cannot use unsigned kernel extensions anymore in El Capitan.Even when using the command line kext-dev-mode.

But,Soundflower has made a signed version here.
Tell me if you want help.