Question / Help Wavtap Download Fail


New Member
When I WavTap want to download on my Mac, he indicates that the author is not known Wavtap so I can not download! How can I fix this?

amsyar ZeRo

@Shatic This is not an OBS problem...-_-

Anyways,I think it is better to download Soundflower or iShowU Audio Capture,I've never used Wavtap before and it is outdated...


New Member
When I WavTap want to download on my Mac, he indicates that the author is not known Wavtap so I can not download! How can I fix this?

You could go into System preferences/Security and privacy/General and allow downloads from all sources. That should allow the download and opening the application.

But as you don't tell us which version of OSX you are trying to use, it could very well differ a bit.