Watermark PNG Transparency Multiply


New Member

I'd like to have a transparent watermark that just overlays anything under it.

Therefore I
  • made a Watermark in Photoshop
  • set the layer on transparent/multiply
  • WITHOUT reducing the opacity
  • saved it as PNG with transparency
But OBS doesn't take over the multiply transparency.

Am I doing something wrong? Or doesn't OBS work here in the same way like Photoshop?



  • 2020-10-10_16h32_14.png
    46.2 KB · Views: 1,859
  • 2020-10-10_16h33_27.png
    62.2 KB · Views: 1,854


Active Member
The left part of your overlay doesn't seem to have partial transparency. In your left screenshot, there isn't any checkered pattern visible, which is usually present anywhere with transparency.


New Member
The left part of your overlay doesn't seem to have partial transparency. In your left screenshot, there isn't any checkered pattern visible, which is usually present anywhere with transparency.

Sorry. Should have explained this better.

This is Photoshop. The pink square in the background is just to proof, that there is a multiply transparency.

And this is OBS. On the right side you can see, that the video in the background doesn't shine trough the watermark-logo. The Logo is just solid.

Hope it's clearer now.


Active Member
It works for me. It's difficult to say what is your logo and what is some surrounding or background.
I take from your words you want the colored rings solid, the right half of the background behind the colored rings fully transparent and the pink background half transparent. Making the pink background half transparent is what you're having trouble with - this is what I deduct from your words. And it's possible to make the pink background appear half transparent - if this is not what you intended, it's perfectly possible to make every other part of the logo half transparent as well, of course, so it's irrelevant how much I understood you wrongly about what should be transparent.

I took your Photoshop image, replaced the checkered part with full transparency and made the pink part 25% transparent and saved as *.png. This is the result within OBS Studio:


This is the png:


This is a sample of the pink color how paint.net does see it:

See the lower right of the color info: the transparent value of the sample color is 198 of 255, that is 77%.


New Member
Sorry, sorry, sorry ... forget the pink ... sorry for my bad description

Look at the new screenshot ... hopefully, now it's getting cleaer.


And of course: Thank you so much for your help
OBS, as far as I know, has no blend modes, which is what you need. There are, as far as I gather, also no plugins to implement the effect you're after.


Active Member
Add a "Image Mask/Blend" Filter to your scene or to some source where you want your overlay appear. In Path, enter the logo you prepared. As type, choose "Blend (Multiply)". The image cannot be positioned, so you need to make it the same resolution as the scene and position the actual logo within accordingly.
I again extracted your circles and prepared such a logo file. As far as I see, it is what you want. I made the colors of the circle a bit transparent as well to make it less prominent when merged with the scene.


The mask: