New Member
Hey what is the best settings I can get for my GTX 650 yea I know it's an old card... I wil upgrade in about 2 weeks ot a 1060 but yeahhb for now I stil want to stream rust and stuff what is the best settings I can get with out delays and lags etc while streaming.? I know a delay on streaming is normal but I get like 2 minutes delay or 1 minute I am supposed to get like 15 seconds max delay I think my settings is wrong please help me someone :)
my logs:
20:21:04.372: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
20:21:04.372: CPU Speed: 3504MHz
20:21:04.372: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4
20:21:04.372: Physical Memory: 2047MB Total, 2047MB Free (NOTE: 2 or 4 gigs max is normal for 32bit programs)
20:21:04.373: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 14393 (revision: 447; 64-bit)
20:21:04.373: Running as administrator: true
20:21:04.373: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
20:21:04.407: Portable mode: false
20:21:04.677: OBS 0.16.5 (windows)
20:21:04.677: ---------------------------------
20:21:04.692: ---------------------------------
20:21:04.692: audio settings reset:
20:21:04.692: samples per sec: 44100
20:21:04.692: speakers: 2
20:21:04.786: ---------------------------------
20:21:04.786: Initializing D3D11..
20:21:04.787: Available Video Adapters:
20:21:04.789: Adapter 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650
20:21:04.789: Dedicated VRAM: 1043005440
20:21:04.789: Shared VRAM: 3251896320
20:21:04.789: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1600, 1024}, attached=true
20:21:04.789: output 2: pos={1600, 0}, size={1280, 1024}, attached=true
20:21:04.791: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (0)
20:21:05.227: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 45056
20:21:05.991: ---------------------------------
20:21:05.991: video settings reset:
20:21:05.991: base resolution: 1920x1080
20:21:05.991: output resolution: 1280x720
20:21:05.991: downscale filter: Bicubic
20:21:05.991: fps: 30/1
20:21:05.991: format: RGBA
20:21:05.991: GPU conversion not available for format: 6
20:21:05.992: ---------------------------------
20:21:06.497: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
20:21:06.568: [AMF Encoder] Version
20:21:06.568: [AMF Encoder] Unable to load 'amfrt32.dll', error code 126.
20:21:07.218: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
20:21:07.234: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
20:21:07.346: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
20:21:07.420: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
20:21:07.420: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.25.0']
20:21:07.860: NVENC supported
20:21:09.657: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
20:21:18.553: No blackmagic support
20:21:19.003: ---------------------------------
20:21:19.003: Loaded Modules:
20:21:19.003: win-wasapi.dll
20:21:19.003: win-mf.dll
20:21:19.003: win-dshow.dll
20:21:19.003: win-decklink.dll
20:21:19.003: win-capture.dll
20:21:19.003: vlc-video.dll
20:21:19.004: text-freetype2.dll
20:21:19.004: rtmp-services.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-x264.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-transitions.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-text.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-qsv11.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-outputs.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-filters.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-ffmpeg.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-browser.dll
20:21:19.004: image-source.dll
20:21:19.004: frontend-tools.dll
20:21:19.004: enc-amf.dll
20:21:19.004: coreaudio-encoder.dll
20:21:19.004: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
20:21:19.286: All scene data cleared
20:21:19.286: ------------------------------------------------
20:21:19.336: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
20:21:19.347: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
20:21:19.382: adding 46 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds
20:21:21.285: Switched to scene 'LiveStreamming!'
20:21:21.331: ------------------------------------------------
20:21:21.331: Loaded scenes:
20:21:21.332: - scene 'LiveStreamming!':
20:21:21.367: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture)
20:21:21.367: - source: 'Overlay' (image_source)
20:21:21.368: - source: 'Chatbox' (browser_source)
20:21:21.368: - source: 'FollowerAlert' (browser_source)
20:21:21.368: - source: 'FolloweronScreen' (browser_source)
20:21:21.368: - source: 'OverlayScreen' (image_source)
20:21:21.368: ------------------------------------------------
20:21:21.967: Update check: last known remote version is 0.16.5
20:21:45.327: Settings changed (outputs)
20:21:45.327: ------------------------------------------------
20:22:36.693: ---------------------------------
20:22:36.694: video settings reset:
20:22:36.694: base resolution: 1920x1080
20:22:36.694: output resolution: 1280x720
20:22:36.694: downscale filter: Bilinear
20:22:36.694: fps: 30/1
20:22:36.694: format: RGBA
20:22:36.694: GPU conversion not available for format: 6
20:22:36.697: Settings changed (outputs, video)
20:22:36.697: ------------------------------------------------
20:50:52.262: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: RustClient.exe
20:50:52.263: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] using helper (compatibility hook)
20:50:52.514: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked to process: RustClient.exe
20:50:52.514: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
20:50:52.626: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked DXGI
20:50:52.630: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d11 memory capture successful
20:51:29.171: ---------------------------------
20:51:29.171: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] preset: veryfast
20:51:29.194: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] settings:
20:51:29.194: rate_control: CBR
20:51:29.194: bitrate: 2000
20:51:29.194: buffer size: 2000
20:51:29.194: crf: 0
20:51:29.194: fps_num: 30
20:51:29.194: fps_den: 1
20:51:29.194: width: 1280
20:51:29.194: height: 720
20:51:29.194: keyint: 60
20:51:29.194: vfr: off
20:51:29.194: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] custom settings: scenecut=0
20:51:29.232: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: settings:
20:51:29.232: mode: AAC
20:51:29.232: bitrate: 160
20:51:29.232: sample rate: 44100
20:51:29.232: cbr: on
20:51:29.232: output buffer: 1536
20:51:29.232: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
20:51:29.254: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Interface: Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
20:51:30.942: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// successful
20:51:30.955: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
20:53:12.645: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 69 milliseconds
20:53:42.396: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture
20:54:20.164: adding 46 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 116 milliseconds
20:57:37.263: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: RustClient.exe
20:57:37.263: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] using helper (compatibility hook)
20:57:41.563: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: RustClient.exe
20:57:41.563: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] using helper (compatibility hook)
20:57:42.060: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked to process: RustClient.exe
20:57:42.060: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
20:57:42.168: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked DXGI
20:57:42.188: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d11 memory capture successful
20:58:42.732: adding 278 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 394 milliseconds
21:00:35.945: adding 603 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 998 milliseconds
21:00:56.496: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture
21:01:38.922: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] User stopped the stream
21:01:38.963: Output 'simple_stream': stopping
21:01:38.994: Output 'simple_stream': Total encoded frames: 0
21:01:38.994: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 18292
21:01:38.994: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 659 (3.6%)
21:01:39.137: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Freeing 22 remaining packets
21:01:40.684: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
my logs:
20:21:04.372: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-6600K CPU @ 3.50GHz
20:21:04.372: CPU Speed: 3504MHz
20:21:04.372: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 4
20:21:04.372: Physical Memory: 2047MB Total, 2047MB Free (NOTE: 2 or 4 gigs max is normal for 32bit programs)
20:21:04.373: Windows Version: 10.0 Build 14393 (revision: 447; 64-bit)
20:21:04.373: Running as administrator: true
20:21:04.373: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
20:21:04.407: Portable mode: false
20:21:04.677: OBS 0.16.5 (windows)
20:21:04.677: ---------------------------------
20:21:04.692: ---------------------------------
20:21:04.692: audio settings reset:
20:21:04.692: samples per sec: 44100
20:21:04.692: speakers: 2
20:21:04.786: ---------------------------------
20:21:04.786: Initializing D3D11..
20:21:04.787: Available Video Adapters:
20:21:04.789: Adapter 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650
20:21:04.789: Dedicated VRAM: 1043005440
20:21:04.789: Shared VRAM: 3251896320
20:21:04.789: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1600, 1024}, attached=true
20:21:04.789: output 2: pos={1600, 0}, size={1280, 1024}, attached=true
20:21:04.791: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 (0)
20:21:05.227: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 45056
20:21:05.991: ---------------------------------
20:21:05.991: video settings reset:
20:21:05.991: base resolution: 1920x1080
20:21:05.991: output resolution: 1280x720
20:21:05.991: downscale filter: Bicubic
20:21:05.991: fps: 30/1
20:21:05.991: format: RGBA
20:21:05.991: GPU conversion not available for format: 6
20:21:05.992: ---------------------------------
20:21:06.497: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
20:21:06.568: [AMF Encoder] Version
20:21:06.568: [AMF Encoder] Unable to load 'amfrt32.dll', error code 126.
20:21:07.218: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
20:21:07.234: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
20:21:07.346: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
20:21:07.420: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
20:21:07.420: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.25.0']
20:21:07.860: NVENC supported
20:21:09.657: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
20:21:18.553: No blackmagic support
20:21:19.003: ---------------------------------
20:21:19.003: Loaded Modules:
20:21:19.003: win-wasapi.dll
20:21:19.003: win-mf.dll
20:21:19.003: win-dshow.dll
20:21:19.003: win-decklink.dll
20:21:19.003: win-capture.dll
20:21:19.003: vlc-video.dll
20:21:19.004: text-freetype2.dll
20:21:19.004: rtmp-services.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-x264.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-transitions.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-text.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-qsv11.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-outputs.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-filters.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-ffmpeg.dll
20:21:19.004: obs-browser.dll
20:21:19.004: image-source.dll
20:21:19.004: frontend-tools.dll
20:21:19.004: enc-amf.dll
20:21:19.004: coreaudio-encoder.dll
20:21:19.004: ==== Startup complete ===============================================
20:21:19.286: All scene data cleared
20:21:19.286: ------------------------------------------------
20:21:19.336: WASAPI: Device 'Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
20:21:19.347: WASAPI: Device 'Microphone (Realtek High Definition Audio)' initialized
20:21:19.382: adding 46 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 46 milliseconds
20:21:21.285: Switched to scene 'LiveStreamming!'
20:21:21.331: ------------------------------------------------
20:21:21.331: Loaded scenes:
20:21:21.332: - scene 'LiveStreamming!':
20:21:21.367: - source: 'Game Capture' (game_capture)
20:21:21.367: - source: 'Overlay' (image_source)
20:21:21.368: - source: 'Chatbox' (browser_source)
20:21:21.368: - source: 'FollowerAlert' (browser_source)
20:21:21.368: - source: 'FolloweronScreen' (browser_source)
20:21:21.368: - source: 'OverlayScreen' (image_source)
20:21:21.368: ------------------------------------------------
20:21:21.967: Update check: last known remote version is 0.16.5
20:21:45.327: Settings changed (outputs)
20:21:45.327: ------------------------------------------------
20:22:36.693: ---------------------------------
20:22:36.694: video settings reset:
20:22:36.694: base resolution: 1920x1080
20:22:36.694: output resolution: 1280x720
20:22:36.694: downscale filter: Bilinear
20:22:36.694: fps: 30/1
20:22:36.694: format: RGBA
20:22:36.694: GPU conversion not available for format: 6
20:22:36.697: Settings changed (outputs, video)
20:22:36.697: ------------------------------------------------
20:50:52.262: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: RustClient.exe
20:50:52.263: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] using helper (compatibility hook)
20:50:52.514: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked to process: RustClient.exe
20:50:52.514: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
20:50:52.626: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked DXGI
20:50:52.630: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d11 memory capture successful
20:51:29.171: ---------------------------------
20:51:29.171: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] preset: veryfast
20:51:29.194: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] settings:
20:51:29.194: rate_control: CBR
20:51:29.194: bitrate: 2000
20:51:29.194: buffer size: 2000
20:51:29.194: crf: 0
20:51:29.194: fps_num: 30
20:51:29.194: fps_den: 1
20:51:29.194: width: 1280
20:51:29.194: height: 720
20:51:29.194: keyint: 60
20:51:29.194: vfr: off
20:51:29.194: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] custom settings: scenecut=0
20:51:29.232: [CoreAudio AAC: 'simple_aac']: settings:
20:51:29.232: mode: AAC
20:51:29.232: bitrate: 160
20:51:29.232: sample rate: 44100
20:51:29.232: cbr: on
20:51:29.232: output buffer: 1536
20:51:29.232: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
20:51:29.254: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Interface: Killer e2200 Gigabit Ethernet Controller (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
20:51:30.942: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmp:// successful
20:51:30.955: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
20:53:12.645: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 69 milliseconds
20:53:42.396: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture
20:54:20.164: adding 46 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 116 milliseconds
20:57:37.263: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: RustClient.exe
20:57:37.263: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] using helper (compatibility hook)
20:57:41.563: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] attempting to hook process: RustClient.exe
20:57:41.563: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] using helper (compatibility hook)
20:57:42.060: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked to process: RustClient.exe
20:57:42.060: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] (half life scientist) everything.. seems to be in order
20:57:42.168: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] Hooked DXGI
20:57:42.188: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] d3d11 memory capture successful
20:58:42.732: adding 278 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 394 milliseconds
21:00:35.945: adding 603 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 998 milliseconds
21:00:56.496: [game-capture: 'Game Capture'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture
21:01:38.922: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] User stopped the stream
21:01:38.963: Output 'simple_stream': stopping
21:01:38.994: Output 'simple_stream': Total encoded frames: 0
21:01:38.994: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 18292
21:01:38.994: Output 'simple_stream': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 659 (3.6%)
21:01:39.137: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Freeing 22 remaining packets
21:01:40.684: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================