Want to bring RTMP stream into OBS for combining with other sources


New Member
I have a Mevo multicam setup with three Mevo cameras that can output to Youtube, Facebook etc or a custom RTMP server. Unfortunately their app doesn't yet support an NDI source, so it is missing the one thing that would make it ideal for podcasting: the ability to capture a screen so that you can share computer how-tos along with your multicam recording setup. I was thinking that I could use OBS to compensate for this lack. What I'd like to do is be able to specify a local server as my Mevo RTMP streaming location and then bring that as a source into OBS. Then I could combine it with a screen capture so that I could switch between regular camera angles and a presentation. I would then take the OBS output and stream it somewhere as the final destination.

Does anyone have any tips for how to pull this off with OBS and possibly other companion software for the streaming middleware layer?

Thanks in advance.