Question / Help VST Plugin in Linux version of OBS?

Hi all,

I have been working with OBS for a few weeks now and habe been pretty amazed by its features so far. Congratulations to the developers!

The only thing that has been bugging me is the fact that, when running OBS, the fan of my workstation is getting annoyingly loud at times. Of course, I can easily filter that noise out of the recorded stream in a post-processing step: I determined the frequency of my fan to be somewhere between 700 and 900Hz, so I just use a Band Reject filter and all is fine.

That post-processing step, however, needs a lot of time, so I have been wondering, if it's possible to apply a Band Reject filter during recording. Sure, the Noise Suppression filter in OBS does a good job, but if I set it as high as needed to remove all fan noise, the overall audio deteriorates quite a bit.

So, I found the possibility of using VST plugins (I'm pretty new to all this audio stuff). I'm working on Linux, so I do know that there might be a few problems getting that to work, but I'm dedicated to trying it. In a nutshell, my problem ist that the entry "VST 2.x Plug-in" that's mentioned in all the tutorials doesn't turn up, when adding a filter to my audio signal. I'm using 19.0.2, so it should be there, shouldn't it? I even reinstalled another version from git... still no luck. I put a few of the VST files (".so") in the correct directories (following this page:, I even installed Carla (, thinking that OBS might maybe require a host application to be installed... still no luck.

Any ideas as to what else I could try to get the VST plugins to work? Or are there other options for adding a simple Band Reject plugin?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Forum Admin
Are you sure they are VST2.x and not any other version of VST? Can you link the exact VST plugins you're trying to use?


Forum Admin
Just verified, VST support on Linux hasn't been enabled yet, not quite ready. I'll go update the Filters Guide to reflect that. Sorry for the hassle!
Ah, that explains a few things. What a pity. Good to know, though, thanks for your help.

Any idea, when it will be ready? Or do you have an idea, as to how I could add a simple Band Reject to my audio (other than via VST)?


Forum Admin
No ETA. It's being worked on by a few members of the community as time allows, so no real idea on when it will be ready.


New Member
I'd like to know the status as well, is there a better place we can track this? I would love to see VST support enabled on the Linux builds for such a great piece of software.


New Member
Hello everyone, I have something that might cheer you all up. VST 2.x plugins support is available in OBS Ubuntu. Its just that we are installing OBS the worng way,

Wrong way - Adding ppa resository followed by sudo apt install obs-studio
Right way - Remove all previous OBS installations. Build and install from source.

Installation instructions -

After this you will immediately see VTX plugins. However there's one catch, most popular plugins like Marvel GEQ are not available on Linux.

If you find any good equalizer plugins for Linux (Ubuntu) do let me know.


New Member
Hi there!

I am using OBS (install from latest source) on Ubuntu 18.04 and want to install plugins. Where is the plugin folder? I have a plugin ( and tried to place it inside each one of these directories:


It doesn't work :(

So how do I have to handle this?

Thanks a lot!
Last edited:


New Member
Hello everyone, I have something that might cheer you all up. VST 2.x plugins support is available in OBS Ubuntu. Its just that we are installing OBS the worng way,

Wrong way - Adding ppa resository followed by sudo apt install obs-studio
Right way - Remove all previous OBS installations. Build and install from source.

Installation instructions -

After this you will immediately see VTX plugins. However there's one catch, most popular plugins like Marvel GEQ are not available on Linux.

If you find any good equalizer plugins for Linux (Ubuntu) do let me know.


Have you checked this list?


New Member
Hi there!

I am using OBS (install from latest source) on Ubuntu 18.04 and want to install plugins. Where is the plugin folder? I have a plugin ( and tried to place it inside each one of these directories:


It doesn't work :(

So how do I have to handle this?

Thanks a lot!

The plugin I want to install is this one:


New Member
Hi there!

I am using OBS (install from latest source) on Ubuntu 18.04 and want to install plugins. Where is the plugin folder? I have a plugin ( and tried to place it inside each one of these directories:


It doesn't work :(

So how do I have to handle this?

Thanks a lot!

Under this video:
Someone (with the ID of "classic amusement parks") has written this comment about those folders. Might be what you want.
"SPOILER ALERT: OBS uses the following file locations to look for the .so files for the VSTs on Linux: /usr/lib/vst/ ; /usr/lib/lxvst/ ; /usr/lib/linux_vst/ ; /usr/local/lib64/vst/ ; /usr/local/lib64/lxvst/ ; /usr/local/lib64/linux_vst/ ; $HOME/.vst/ ; $HOME/.lxvst . I somewhat arbitrarily chose to make a ~/.vst folder and dropped the .so files in there. Cheers!"