Bug Report VR Streaming - Hooking into wrong window with similar name


New Member
This entire setup is out of norms due to the fact that I stream with an Oculus, but let me try to explain what I am doing and what OBS is doing/not doing with a specific game.

The focus of this report is for Elite Dangerous when being used for VR. The game itself displays a small windowed screen that gives a view on the primary monitor while the HMD receives its "direct to rift" view. The image that opens on the primary monitor is a scaled down image of what the left eye would see prior to being distorted and sent to the HMD. It is made to assist if the user has the HMD off and can somewhat navigate the game with it.

It is titled "Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT)"

Elite has its own appconfig file change/edit that opens a second window that is made for specifically for streaming and/or viewing purposes for others that are not wearing the headset. It is much larger and displays the full FOV for the left eye both vertical and horizontal.

That window is titled "Elite - Dangerous" - This is the window I want to hook into in the end.

If I use Window Capture, (which this is the main reason for this bug report) It used to be that I could set the window titled "Elite - Dangerous" and when the game starts it hooked that window. I made a mistake a couple days ago and clears a Scene Collection and have been rebuilding it. The problem is that no matter what option I pick under Window Match Priority, the three options being Window Class, Window Title or Executable Name, it always grabs "Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT)" instead of "Elite - Dangerous". I have tried different combinations of them and closing and restarting the game and none will hook into the correct window.

The "Elite - Dangerous" window pops up visible fractions of a second after the one with (CLIENT) in the title so I have a feeling it is hooking because the name is the same for both windows except the one I *dont* want pops up first and gets priority. Once the game is up and running with both windows, I can go into the Window Capture properties in OBS and switch it from "Elite - Dangerous" ( which at the time is still displaying "Elite - Dangerous (CLIENT)" view) to anything else and then back to "Elite - Dangerous" and it then grabs the correct window. I have to do this every time before streaming.

Before I deleted the Scene Collection, it grabbed the correct window every time when Elite starts. The only workaround I can find at this point is to start OBS after Elite is running, but doing that with a live stream is impossible and still requires properties to be swapped back and forth to grab the correct window if a live stream is going on.

In OBS Studio, the Game Capture source option has both windows as choices, but will only display the "Elite - Dangerious (CLIENT)" no matter what one is chosen.

I know it is not a game breaker but it is annoying as it used to work fine in the past and only started to do this recently. The only thing that has changed between now and then is the update to 0.14.1. The previous built scene was made in the previous version of 64 bit Studio


OBS Window capture is grabbing window named "ABDE (CLIENT)" instead of Window named "ABDE" because "ABDE (CLIENT) opens first.

Game Capture will only grab "ABDE (CLIENT)" no matter what is selected