Virtual Cable Ubuntu 24


I used to use qjackctl to route my mic to OBS then to Zoom. Now with UBUNTU using Pipewire and not PUlesaudio qjackctl doesn't seem to be working. It seems VB-Cable will not run on Ubuntu 24 either. So does anyone have a way to implement Virtual Audio in OBS?


Active Member
I'm about to dive into that myself, as my rigs are going to fall out of support in April, but I haven't yet. I do know that PW works differently, despite trying to emulate both, and so the old methods and configurations don't necessarily work.

I suspect I'll end up rebuilding those rigs from scratch, but I've documented them well enough that it should be okay. Forget the old mentality, and come at this with fresh eyes and PW's own documentation.

At any rate, I'm following this thread now. :-)


New Member

"Helvum" is your friend; it work with Pipewire. And I'm using it right now (I'm on Manjaro)



HELvum works like a champ. Many thanks, exactly what I was looking for. A little tough to figure out how it works (no documentation at all), but Google is your friend in that respect!!