Question / Help <video> tag support?

I use an html file which contains the script:

<video autoplay nocontrols loop muted class=vid id="vid1">
<source src="file://C:\Trailers\SkylinesSnowfallReleaseTrailer.mp4" type="video/mp4">

And yet no video plays. All I see is the outline / box around the video. Is this supported in OBS studio browser? Works fine with OBS and CLR browser.

EDIT: I have tried replaceing the file:///<path> with the http://absolute/<path> but now they don't loop/autorepeat O.o

You can see what I use it for here
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OK so now the problem is that the movies play once then don't repeat. Which they do in "normal" OBS when I use file:/// ... but not when I use http://absolute, which was the original reason i started using file:///
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