Bug Report Video Source


New Member
Couldn't get 1 video made on Vegas pro to play for my stream. Legit your program can not go 3-4 min in video source without all audio beginning to cut out then eventually disappear.


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Also given the fact that you couldn't get OBS working, I have my doubts you'll be able to get XSplit working either.

You know, basic level of intelligence and all that.

Also, next time you pay for a program that costs as much as a Lamborghini, let us know. I would love to read the SLA you have on that. Given that you didn't pay anything for OBS (or if you DID pay anything, then you're a greater fool than your post would lead us to believe), don't draw up such silly, ridiculous, childish "analogies".
If you would like to enhance a free software and contribute to the development process: you can!
And the great thing is all you have to do is submit your issue to the (se)manti(c)s bug tracking system to help people like you enjoy a more awesome free application in the future.

Suslik V

Active Member
Couldn't get 1 video made on Vegas pro to play for my stream. Legit your program can not go 3-4 min in video source without all audio beginning to cut out then eventually disappear. Your program is no where near good. Im going to take a shower, if I come back and don't have this problem solved. Xsplit WILL have a NEW CUSTOMER. Im done with it, tried fixing it on my own for the past 3 hours. Uninstalled, reinstalled plugins. Tried different bit versions. Moral of the story, would lamborghini release a new car and have it exploded the second it leaves the lot? No. Fix your program.
Man! How I understand you! Really, xsplit doesn't deserve your support! Take a sheep and step in, we welcomed you near the god's fire!

Let's look deep in the OBS Studio. It never plays sound of the media source - it always streaming the sounds over the Web. When you add new 'Media Source' under the Mixer list, new media bar appear, when you play media source - bar's level changing (green color). If you see that green level bar is changing, then make a record and check the video - sound should exist in playback.

If you checked 'Hide source when playback ends' in Media Source properties, then Studio removes media layer from the output when video file reach its end. It is useful, when you play video fullscreen as a top layer - it disappears automatically (no need to switch the scenes manually).

If you struggle to import video file into OBS Studio: provide us the sample of the video. Or, at least, give to us media info of the played file (there is MediaInfo application on the Web).


New Member
Lol I tried about every solution I could find IF support ever responded to there plee for help. You can say I have no knowledge of the program but I tried atleast 5 different thing to try and make it work. After hours of messing with a program that simply CANT PLAY AUDIO then what do you expect out of a user. Even if the program shouldnt require me to know how to recode or do whatever to fix the program. Sorry your product didnt work, if it would just play audio from a media source correctly I wouldnt even be here.


New Member
And incase youd like to know what I did
-Differnt Bit Versions
-Switching Scenes
-Tried Quicktime Mov because I saw someone say this fixed the problem for them
-Switching video files type
-Resetting all scenes completly
-Checked VLC comp
-Reset PC
-Also tried different audio settings

None of this worked, so after about 3 hhours of Bs thats why im pissed. If you wouldnt be mad, props to you. You must be married.

Suslik V

Active Member
It shouldn't play. For play, there are players on the Web. This is the tool to make streaming and recording this streaming. You are misunderstood with OBS Studio application.

Can you provide the sample of the video you had struggle to import into OBS Studio?


Community Helper
This thread is getting a little out of hand. Let's all calm down.

Brian, I'm having a hard time understanding what the problem is that you are describing. Are you just expressing frustration that the media source currently only plays its audio to the stream itself and not to the streamer? This is certainly a known issue, and will be addressed. Or are you asking about a different issue?


New Member
This thread is getting a little out of hand. Let's all calm down.

Brian, I'm having a hard time understanding what the problem is that you are describing. Are you just expressing frustration that the media source currently only plays its audio to the stream itself and not to the streamer? This is certainly a known issue, and will be addressed. Or are you asking about a different issue?

My issue is I play a video through media source, to make it simple I check audio from the stream on a completly different computer to hear everything play fine then slowly break up and turn to nothing.


New Member
So basically my stream hears ok audio and then there ears bleed from static and break up then they think they went def because nothing is playing other than video (Which works fiine only an audio issue)


Community Helper
Would you be able to post a video that you're trying to include in your stream, so that others can test with the video and see if they get the same problem?


Community Helper
You can try something like Dropbox or MegaUpload, I suppose. Do you have any examples that are smaller?


Active Member
I've loaded the mp4 in OBS, recorded the whole thing and played it back in VLC, Sound was fine the whole time.
So not sure what's going on.
I just streamed your video and monitored the stream as a viewer. No audio issue at all for the full length of the outro.
Review your settings and monitor your task manager/hardware monitoring application for abnormalities.
Check your sample rate setting specifically. Your video is encoded@48kHz this could lead to issues when it doesn't match the settings in your host application.

Technical information:

20:25:16.659: CPU Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00GHz
20:25:16.659: CPU Speed: 4000MHz
20:25:16.659: Physical Cores: 4, Logical Cores: 8
20:25:16.659: Physical Memory: 16286MB Total, 11857MB Free
20:25:16.659: Windows Version: 6.3 Build 9600 (revision: 17415)
20:25:16.659: Aero is Enabled (Aero is always on for windows 8 and above)
20:25:16.666: OBS 0.13.4 (64bit, windows)
20:25:16.666: ---------------------------------
20:25:16.666: ---------------------------------
20:25:16.666: audio settings reset:
20:25:16.666: samples per sec: 44100
20:25:16.666: speakers: 2
20:25:16.976: ---------------------------------
20:25:16.977: Initializing D3D11..
20:25:16.977: Available Video Adapters:
20:25:16.977: Adapter 1: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
20:25:16.977: Dedicated VRAM: 4169007104
20:25:16.977: Shared VRAM: 4243658752
20:25:16.977: output 1: pos={0, 0}, size={1920, 1200}, attached=true
20:25:16.977: output 2: pos={-1920, 0}, size={1920, 1080}, attached=true
20:25:16.977: output 3: pos={-3200, 0}, size={1280, 1024}, attached=true
20:25:16.979: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 (0)
20:25:16.990: D3D11 loaded sucessfully, feature level used: 45056
20:25:17.360: ---------------------------------

20:27:12.033: video settings reset:
20:27:12.033: base resolution: 1280x720
20:27:12.033: output resolution: 1280x720
20:27:12.033: fps: 30/1
20:27:12.033: format: NV12
20:27:12.035: Settings changed (stream 1, outputs, video)
20:27:12.035: ------------------------------------------------
20:31:35.068: [Media Source 'Medienquelle']: settings:
20:31:35.068: input: C:/Users/X/Downloads/Outro.mp4
20:31:35.068: input_format: (null)
20:31:35.068: is_looping: no
20:31:35.068: is_forcing_scale: yes
20:31:35.068: is_hw_decoding: yes
20:31:35.068: is_clear_on_media_end: yes
20:31:35.068: restart_on_activate: yes
20:31:41.361: source 'Szene 1' (scene) created
20:33:35.604: ---------------------------------
20:33:35.604: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] preset: veryfast
20:33:35.604: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] profile: main
20:33:35.604: [x264 encoder: 'simple_h264_stream'] settings:
20:33:35.604: bitrate: 2500
20:33:35.604: buffer size: 2500
20:33:35.604: crf: 0 (0 when CBR is enabled)
20:33:35.604: fps_num: 30
20:33:35.604: fps_den: 1
20:33:35.604: width: 1280
20:33:35.604: height: 720
20:33:35.604: keyint: 60
20:33:35.604: vfr: off
20:33:35.604: cbr: on
20:33:35.612: [Media Foundation AAC: 'simple_aac']: encoder created
20:33:35.612: bitrate: 160
20:33:35.612: channels: 2
20:33:35.612: sample rate: 44100
20:33:35.612: bits-per-sample: 16
20:33:35.612: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://live-fra.twitch.tv/app...
20:33:35.639: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Interface: Intel(R) Ethernet-Verbindung I217-V (ethernet, 1000 mbps)
20:33:37.317: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Connection to rtmp://live-fra.twitch.tv/app successful
20:33:37.318: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
20:36:39.882: source 'Text (FreeType 2)' (text_ft2_source) created
20:38:57.112: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] User stopped the stream
20:38:57.131: Output 'simple_stream': stopping
20:38:57.131: Output 'simple_stream': Total encoded frames: 936695694
20:38:57.131: Output 'simple_stream': Total drawn frames: 9645
20:38:57.131: Output 'simple_stream': Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 3753733201 (400.7%)
20:38:57.131: ==== Streaming Stop ================================================
20:41:39.523: adding 23 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 69 milliseconds