Bug Report Video source getting cut off on the bottom/sides.


New Member
I'm having issues with 4:3 ratio video through HDMI converters being read wrong in OBS Studio. I'm using an AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable 2 and OBS on a Mac.

If I have the resolution on the LGP2 set to 1280x720 in OBS Studio, the source video is enlarged resulting in the bottom third or so of the video being completely cut off with no way to adjust.

If I have the resolution on the LGP2 set to 720x480 in OBS Studio, I get closer to what I'm looking for but part of the bottom is still cut off.

And lastly if I have the resolution on the LGP2 set to 720x576 in OBS Studio, the bottom is no longer cut off but now the image is offset to the right causing part of the right side being cut off and leaving empty space on the left side of the image.

When the video source is fed directly into my TV or monitor from the LGP2, I have zero issues seeing the full image, so I know it's not any of the converters or the LGP2. There seems to be some strange underlying issues with how OBS is getting the video and processing it to fit on screen with in OBS.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
I think I figured out what OBS is doing wrong with the video.
It seems to be auto-fitting the available video by using width when it should be using the video height to fit the image in the frame. That way, even if settings were at 1920x1080 the 4:3 video would still be completely visible.

Hope this might help in resolving the issue on the development side of OBS. This might end up fixing other underlying problems too.


Forum Admin
OBS sets the bounding box (red square) based on the size of the original source. In the case of a video capture device, you can set that manually, and then adjust how the bounding box scales/centers/crops the video manually to your desired effect. Right click the source -> edit transform to see the available options.

From the screenshots, however, it looks like the capture card itself is not properly sending the video, or you have the capture card configured incorrectly to receive the proper video stream.


New Member
OBS sets the bounding box (red square) based on the size of the original source. In the case of a video capture device, you can set that manually, and then adjust how the bounding box scales/centers/crops the video manually to your desired effect. Right click the source -> edit transform to see the available options.

From the screenshots, however, it looks like the capture card itself is not properly sending the video, or you have the capture card configured incorrectly to receive the proper video stream.

I've tried the transform function and it does nothing for me in this scenario.

The capture card/device (LGP2) is set up fine and sending the full video. As stated in the original post, if I plug in the LGP2 directly into a widescreen monitor or my widescreen TV the full video is displayed without any loss on the edges. It's OBS that seems to be auto-fitting the video based off of the width of the existing video signal at all times when, in this particular case, it needs to auto-fit based off of height. The exception, in this case, is the 720x576 setting. I don't know what's going on with that one.


Forum Admin
I'm not convinced. OBS is just opening the directshow device, and checking the passthrough video isn't really a fair test, since it's not being processed by the capture card. Have you tested with another application (such as Avermedia's directly) to verify that this behavior is OBS specific? I'm much more quick to blame bad drivers than anything OBS is doing wrong, but if there is a legitimate issue here we can check into it.


New Member
Unfortunately, since I'm on a mac, AVerMedia's software doesn't support the LGP2 on a mac (for whatever asinine reason). But I do have an older windows machine I can try. I'll see what I can come up with and get back to ya.


New Member
Okay, update.
I tried the Recentral 3 software and when I first started the program and plugged in the LGP2, everything was perfect, then somewhere down the line when I selected an option then went back to the preview, the bottom was got cut off again. >.< Couldn't get it back. And the program has very little options for changing video resolutions (none). So I tried xsplit and it was doing the same thing as OBS. So I'm thinking there might be something up with how the LGP2 is outputing the signal to the PC/Mac.

There's a firmware update that I can do for the LGP2, but I have to wait for an SD card to be delivered later today.

All that being said, I was able to figure a workaround by using the Xbox One HDMI input. That fixes it and makes everything proper. So if the firmware update doesn't do anything to fix the problem, I'll at least have that.

Otherwise, maybe there's something that can be added to OBS that can account for this issue? It's just weird that the 720x576 setting can show the bottom but end up getting shifted to the right cutting off the right side.

I'll update this thread when I get the firmware updated.


Forum Admin
If the card isn't sending the video data properly, OBS can't just create it from nothing so I don't think there's anything we can do as it DEFINITELY sounds like a driver/card issue. Let us know what happens after the firmware update.