Video Size Recording Problem


New Member

I have a Problem since I´m using an 4K TV. I changed on OBS the resolution to 4K because I had to do this with Games too (or better most games are selecting this automatic), so I´m mostly playing in 4K now. But my problem is, not every game runs in 4k for me, so I change resolution to 1080p (1920x1080) but then OBS records just a tiny window.


Do I have to change the resolution always by my selfe or is there an option to change this? because when I set 1080p on OBS and I play in 4K the Video is fully zoomed, thats why I changed resolution in OBS, on my old TV I just played in 1920 because I had no 4K so a higher resolution was useless.

sorry for my bad english.


Did you try the transform option on the window. You can set it to fit to screen and even sd programs comes out right (does have bars on side) but does a pretty good job. I'm pretty new at this and hopefully am not blowing smoke


New Member
You mean the Size with the Red Bars? I tried but since my Screen is bigger then the UI from OBS can I cant change it anymore. The UI is very broken for me.