Question / Help Video Output on Twitch vs. Youtube


New Member
I have a 16:10 monitor with a native resolution of 1680x1050. I've always output my streams at the same resolution without any downscaling. Recently, I've noticed some bitrate issues, but nothing major. Tried to stream Rainbow Six Siege yesterday, and the mouse lag was horrendous. It was unplayable but looked even worse on stream. I decided to downscale my output in settings. I left the filter at Bicubic, and the FPS at 60. I guess because Twitch wants 16:9, there are a bunch of really weird resolution options to scale down to. I picked 1120x700. On Twitch, it looks fine and runs at 60 fps.

However, it defaults to 480 on Youtube, with no 60fps option.

I'm assuming this is because the resolution is under 720 and Youtube has no 60FPS handling for sub-720 res videos.
Unfortunately, I don't have the HD space to save videos as I stream them. Even if I did, it wouldn't help in situations like this where I needed to turn the output down to stream the game in the first place, as OBS specifically states saving videos at a setting different from the broadcast output requires extra CP usage, and that seems to have been the problem in the first place.

I would just like to confirm that is the case of why my video looks so awful on Youtube, and am wondering if there is anything I can do to fix that in the mean-time?