Bug Report Video Capture is all White

Craig Coley

New Member
I've been having issues with my game captures in Paladins and Smite. They don't seem to work after the capture is saving to video file (I've used MP4 and flv format types and am assuming the rest are the same problem.).
The video will save no problem. However when I am trying to watch them it will only show a white screen. I don't understand what is wrong. I have OBS 0.16.6 64 bit and 32 bit (have tried both and captures are still white in viewing.).
Have tried different viewer players and have re downloaded them. I also have redownloaded (and installed; viewers too), OBS client 16.6. Still no resolution with that.
I have tried with anti cheat on and off. Still no progression.
Is there anything I can do to fix this. It did work before.


  • 2016-12-17 15-55-30.txt
    9.5 KB · Views: 14


Active Member
16:07:32.691: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
16:07:32.691: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Users/Craig's/Videos/2016-12-17 16-07-32.mp4'...
16:07:34.572: [game-capture: 'Paladins'] ----------------- d3d9 capture freed -----------------
16:07:35.505: [game-capture: 'Paladins'] d3d9 shared texture capture successful
16:07:41.426: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/Users/Craig's/Videos/2016-12-17 16-07-32.mp4' stopped
16:07:41.426: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
16:07:41.426: Output 'simple_file_output': Total encoded frames: 262
16:07:41.426: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 262
16:07:41.426: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 16 (6.1%)
16:07:41.441: ==== Recording Stop ================================================

You have a little lag.
I see nothing than can solve your issue. :(

Maybe is a problem with your player and not OBS?

Craig Coley

New Member
well thats what i thought too. so d/l a different one. but like i said it still didn't show it's a white screen. so i thought it was the video formatting but nope. MP4 is the same issue.

Craig Coley

New Member
still having this issue.
Just because of a little lag I still should be able to record this as a video. Or at least have some sort of video being produced. However I'm getting audio thru in my video's just not the picture/game play.