Question / Help Video Capture Device

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
how to use one video capture device many times?
I have score table, on left i have host score, on right i have guest score, bottom on centre i have time.
How crop this three different piece from video capture device?


Community Helper
After you add the first one, when you go to add the subsequent ones, select "Add Existing" instead of "Create New" when adding another Video Capture source, and select the existing instance of the device.

Tomasz Góral

Active Member
I do not think what you said to work as I want.
Video Capture Device use many time with Crop filter, but every time i want crop other part of source.

Now it's it:
Now i add existing instance of the device i got - the same name (i can't change, one instance rename always change all same), if change crop video in one i change in all, why ? they are not separeted?

I want:
e.g. on score table in position source video (x,y)
x1 = 10, y1= 10, x2 = 50, y=20 i got host points
x1 = 150, y1 = 10, x2 = 190, y1 = 20 i got guest points
x1 = 40, y1 = 40, x2 = 180, y2 = 70 game time

I want put host points on left, guest on right, time on bottom target screen.
How to do it?


Community Helper
Ah, right, I forgot you're applying different filters to each one, and right now filters apply to all instances of a source. So right now it's not possible to do what you want to do.


Community Helper
I believe it will eventually be possible to apply filters only to specific instances of sources, but not yet.
It wont let me add more than one video source, i have aver media as 1 source and i want my camera as another source but it isnt allowing me to do so?
if i add an existing video source as mentioned above it add another aver media grab but when i click properties to change it to my camera it crashes out again