Question / Help Video Capture Device Desktop Output Volume


New Member
I've been playing around with OBS Studio for quite a while now, and I've noticed a feature is missing from it that I always used in Classic, the ability to set a capture device's audio volume when outputting to desktop audio, there is absolutely no way to do it in Studio, as soon as you set the capture device to output audio to desktop the only way to adjust it's volume is in Windows' Volume Mixer, adapting your OBS instance's audio for all it's outputs, doing so makes CLR browser's audio unhearable in comparison.

Could you please make the Video Capture Device's volume slider in Studio effect it's volume when outputting to desktop as it did in Classic.


New Member
Unfortunately not no.

It's not a huge issue, I'm sure I can find other ways around it, but I might as well point it out. Seems like something you could easily just forget to include.
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