Video Camera Repeated Disconnect/Reconnect until Not Found (image froze) during FB Live Stream


New Member

New guy, first FB Live Stream for our parish on OBS. Tested it a few days earlier, kept the camera on for 2 /12 hours during test, connected several times to FB Live for testing, never had this issue, at least to my knowledge. Go LIVE today, first time, not withstanding the wireless (yes, I know is not optimal-small church) connection issues, the screen flicked several times (I correlated it to the disconnect/connected on the log-attached) and 40 minutes into streaming it totally "lost contact" (could not find the camera).

It was my first time, so I froze also :-) I thought OBS had crashed on me. Didn't know about checking the logs. (Can I check the logs while streaming???) Anyways, I would appreciate any help. For any details not included in the log. I'm running OBS on my MacBook Pro 2019 (i9 processor). I was streaming and recording simultaneously. The status bar showed no dropped frames and CPU usage, apparently, was under 5% most of the time...a few time it spiked to 10%.

I know the biggest issue I had, beyond losing the connection to the camera (Canon VIXIA HF R800), was the internet connection. We are working on a more suitable solution which will include going Ethernet instead of WiFi.

Thank you for whatever assistance you can provide,

Arnie Fonseca


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