Vertical streaming with VDO Ninja


New Member

I could use some help with vertical streaming while using VDO Ninja to bring on guests.

When I set the directors view to 9 x 16 so that the guest sees the output as it’s coming out of OBS virtual camera, a portion of the output is cut off. Even after changing the settings and this cannot be rectified.

But when I set the output of OBS to 16 x 9 and leave and 9 x 16 the participants view then looks fine.

The problem is I am looking to stream to Instagram and in this configuration this would be a 16 x 9 video going to Instagram while the display looks fine in 9 x 16

My end goal is to stream to Instagram live while bringing live guest in through

How do I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance!


New Member
I figured out the issue (mindset). VDO.NINJA will allow you to host guest but you must use the Aitum Vertical output to instagram to prevent any issues.

You will have to link the scenes so that your guests get a representation of what you are showing vertically but it seems to work flawlessly.